
Wednesday, August 08, 2012

(NYASATIMES) Zambian arrested in Malawi with 17 bags of Indian hemp

COMMENT - Legalize it, and set all the non-violent marijuana prisoners free.

Zambian arrested in Malawi with 17 bags of Indian hemp
By Favour Mazinga, Nyasa Times
August 7, 2012

Malawi Police have arrested 36 years old Zambian Febe Moyo for being found in possession of 17 bags of narcotic drugs suspected to be Indian Hemp. The bags containing the cannabis were weighing 50kgs each. Moyo comes from Chipembe village in the area of traditional authority Mpezeni, Chipata district in Zambia.

Mzimba police spokesperson Gift Nyirongo told Nyasa Times that on 1st August, detectives from Champhira police post received a tip from a driver who was hired by the suspect to ferry the illicit drug to Lundazi, Zambia.

The driver (name withheld) told police that he was hired by the suspect to transport Indian hemp to Lundazi and that they would set off at mid night.

Cops inspecting bags of impounded cannabis

”And working on the tip, the police laid in ambush and at around mid night they arrested the suspect and seized 17 bags of Chamba weighing 50kgs each,” said Nyirongo.

The police spokesperson said Moyo has since been charged with the offence of being found in possession of Cannabis Sativa contrary to regulation 4(a) as read with section 19(1) of the dangerous drug act.

He will appear in court soon to answer the charges.

In June this year, Malawi police also arrested a Zambian woman Hildah Phiri for being found in possession of 6 bags of Chamba each weighing 90kgs which was also about to be ferried to Lundazi, Zambia.

The woman is remanded at Mzimba Prison.

Cases of Chamba are rampant in Mzimba especially around Mgoza and Khosolo areas where the illicit drug is extensively cultivated.

Meanwhile, police in Mzimba are thankful to members of the general public for tipping them on various criminal activities happening which has led to the bust up of habitual criminals.

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