
Saturday, August 04, 2012

(TALKZIMBABWE) No to ‘imperialist Constitution’: President Mugabe

No to ‘imperialist Constitution’: President Mugabe
This article was written by Our reporter on 3 August, at 19 : 27 PM

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe says the Zanu-PF party will NEVER accept an ‘imperialist Constitution’ or a Draft Constitution which has had input from the agents of former imperialists, the Zimbabwe Guardian can exclusively reveal.

He made this statement in a Politburo meeting this week in which the contents of the Draft Constitution was being discussed. The Politburo is the Zanu-PF’s highest decision-making body after Congress.

Zimbabwe has recently published a draft constitution which will replace the Lancaster House Constitution which has been in operation since Independence in April 1980.

“We will never, ever betray our people into accepting a Constitution drafted by agents of our former imperialists,” said President Mugabe in reference to the Draft Constitution.

He said Zanu-PF is a “party for the people” and its history is testament to that. The liberation war was fought for democracy, in the form of one-man-one-rule and will never betray Zimbabweans.

“Our strength lies within the living and dead heroes and heroines of this country who sacrificed their lives for the liberation of the country.”

President Mugabe added that the Draft Constitution should reflect the spirit of the liberation struggle and should not betray the aspirations of the fallen heroes and all those living heroes who made sacrifices.

It is the role of those living heroes to make sure that the liberation struggle does not go to waste, he added.

““Those who remain should carry on the legacy, not of failure but of success because those who have gone were successful and we must continue with that success.

“A political party for the people by the people will never, ever betray its people,” he said. “We don’t represent British interests here in this meeting, as we are scrutinising this ‘would-be Supreme law’.

“We need to deliberate every letter, every word used, every sentence formulated, every paragraph, every section, every Chapter in this Draft Constitution and look throughly whether the Draft Constitution is for the Zimbabweans by the Zimbabweans.”

He added that Zanu-PF will not simply adopt the Constitution without paying enough attention to its contents and their implication on the future of the country and the security and welfare of its citizens.

He attacked the Movement for Democratic Change formations for being quick in adopting the Draft Constitution without paying enough scrutiny to the issues embedded in that document.

The two MDC formations led by PM Tsvangirai and the other by Professor Welshman Ncube have approved the draft constitution, but Zanu-PF is still having deliberations within the Politburo.

“Whilst our Party is still busy looking into the would-be Supreme law, all the MDCs are saying they are satisfied,” said President Mugabe.

“It is quite disgusting that a party that regards itself as full of lawyers had to endorse a Draft Constitution in three hours after it was released,” he added, referring to lawyers in the MDC-T party led by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai.

“It seems to us this document was from their bosses in England because any reasonable lawyer cannot read and understand the whole supreme law of a country in three hours.

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