
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

(DAILY MAIL ZM) AfDB urges ZAWA to open up game ranching

AfDB urges ZAWA to open up game ranching
September 24, 2012

THE African Development Bank (AfDB) has urged the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) to revise its policy on game ranching to allow citizens to set up game ranches in a bid to create employment.

AfDB Zambia country representative Freddie Kwesiga says ZAWA needs to revise its policy of 2007, to allow communities to own game ranches.

Dr Kwesiga said in an interview in Lusaka on Thursday that game ranching will allow for breeding and restocking of animals, to increase animal population in game management areas.

“ZAWA is in the process of revising its policy of 2007 to allow for game ranching, which will ensure ownership by the communities,” Dr Kwesiga said.

He said genuine empowerment of the people will only take place when communities are allowed to own ranches.

Dr Kwesiga said this can be done by allowing chiefs, who are the custodians of land surrounding game management areas, to own 50 per cent of the business and employ local people.

“How can you reduce poverty and empower the people if you do not allow them to own the land?” he asked.

He said game ranching is not a very difficult undertaking because wild animals do not need veterinary care.

Dr Kwesiga said all the animals need is an area where there is adequate pasture and water, which is not a problem in most parts of the country.
He said the animal population has been on the decrease and restocking will increase their numbers and open up the country to tourism.

Recently, Minister of Tourism and Arts Sylvia Masebo urged Zambians to take advantage of business opportunities being offered in the game ranching sector which has remained untapped for many years.

Ms Masebo said game ranching and the tourism sector in general have great economic potential and urged the private sector to take up the challenge and open up new facilities.

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