Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Differences shouldnt cause disunity- KK

Differences shouldnt cause disunity- KK
By By Tilyenji Mwanza
Tue 04 Sep. 2012, 09:29 CAT

Dr Kenneth Kaunda says differences in the country should not cause disunity in the nation. Speaking at the wedding ceremony of MMD president Nevers Mumba's son, Shumo-El Sekwila and Malama Chalansi, at Chaminuka Lodge on Saturday, Dr Kaunda said Zambia should not be disunited because of different views and tribes as "we are all one and looking for a better Zambia".

"Before independence, we had 72 tribes plus many other foreign tribes but we stood together in one accord to fight for a common cause," Dr Kaunda said.

"It is these different ideas that should be building us and building a better society across colour and across tribe."

Dr Kaunda said the message of the Lord should be key in governing the country.
He said only a prayer of love would build Zambia.

"The message of love is key in governing us ... love thy neighbour as you love yourself and do unto others as you would like them to do unto you," Dr Kaunda said.

He said during independence, from the source of the Zambezi to the Indian Ocean, everyone joined together and shouted 'One Zambia, One nation' despite their different tribal affiliations.
He said Zambia should be handling all its problems with unity.

Dr Kaunda said Zambia was at an advantage because it had Christian faith, which was about love irrespective of tribe, colour, culture and opinions.

He said this love would build the country and urged Zambians to adopt it.

Dr Kaunda also sang his famous unity song, Tiyende Pamodzi ndimutima umo (let's move together with one heart), to emphasise the love Zambians should have for one another in order to achieve a common goal.

Mumba said that the different opinions he had with President Michael Sata should not cause harm.

He urged President Sata to use these differences to build the country.

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