
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Give govt time to deliver - Zukas

Give govt time to deliver - Zukas
By Allan Mulenga
Tue 04 Sep. 2012, 19:20 CAT

SIMON Zukas says the government should be given enough time to deliver its campaign promises. Reflecting on the PF's performance since assuming power 11 months ago, Zukas said for any new government, it took long to achieve things.

"Obviously, the promises haven't been delivered yet, but the year is a very short period of time. They've got longer than that to prove delivery. It is a bit early although, they promised that they will do certain things within 90 days. They promised a lot within 90 days. Politics doesn't work like that or government doesn't work like that. It takes longer to achieve things," he said.

Zukas urged the government to come up with policies that would instil investor confidence.

"The main thing is that they shouldn't do anything which will scare away investment because the only way to create more jobs is through investment. If you create uncertainty or instability, then investors will hold fire and will not be coming. The essence is to create a situation which is stable and encourages investors. Investment will create more jobs," said Zukas.

Opposition political parties have consistently accused the Patriotic Front of failing to honour its electoral promises.

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