
Saturday, September 08, 2012

Give up party position, Mambo urges Kabimba

Give up party position, Mambo urges Kabimba
By Ernest Chanda in Lusaka and Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe
Sat 08 Sep. 2012, 10:28 CAT

BISHOP John Mambo has asked justice minister Wynter Kabimba to relinquish his party position in order to de-link the party from government.

"Let him relinquish his party position because we cannot go back to the Second Republic where the party secretary general had also a government portfolio. This has a danger of taking us back to the days of 'the party and its government', which later resulted in a one party state. Otherwise, Wynter has done well so far in local government and we expect him to deliver in the Ministry of Justice as well, especially in fighting corruption and carrying out judicial reforms," said Bishop Mambo who is Chikondi Foundation president.

He said the fight against corruption needed a person with a strong character like Kabimba, especially in a situation where there was a lot of public expectation.

"We have cried for judicial reforms for a long time now and the situation has been desperate still. And we need to fight corruption with vigour because corrupt people have stood up to fight back. Therefore the situation needs to be presided upon by a courageous person like Wynter. Looking at the public expectation from this government on that score, Wynter is the right person because we know that he stands by his position, even in the face of enormous opposition," Bishop Mambo said on Tuesday.

"These corrupt elements have turned themselves into generals and they have ganged up against the Zambian people who are pursuing them. They will not sleep until they fight back, so you cannot treat such people with tenderness. You need a general also in the name of Wynter to hold the bull by its horn. Some people may not like him but I think he will deliver, just like he did in local government."

And Reverend Richard M'bao said Zambians expected Kabimba to succeed in creating an institution of justice that could secure the country's democracy.
Rev M'bao, chairperson of the Pastors Forum for Eastern and Southern Africa, said Zambians expected Kabimba to play a pivotal role in transforming the judiciary to ensure equitable access, efficient and effective delivery of justice.

He said corrupt judges that have compromised judicial integrity and exposed the institution to serious ridicule must be gotten rid of.

Rev M'bao said Kabimba must consider his appointment as a turning point for the country's judicial system, adding that Zambians would never have confidence in the judiciary if radical measures were not taken to stop corruption that had deprived the poor of the much-needed access to justice.

"Kabimba has a proven record of excellence in his career as a lawyer and politician. We have been told he is a man of integrity who has over the past years organised the PF as a party well and contributed significantly to the change of government by making the PF a credible party. We expect his vast experience as a legal practitioner to help stop the miscarriage of justice the country has experienced over the past years," Rev M'bao said.

He said transforming the Judiciary and restoring its integrity calls for political will and the new minister of justice must play his part in a professional manner to the satisfaction of Zambian.

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