
Thursday, September 13, 2012

HH goes for M'membe, Nawakwi, KK and Sata

HH goes for M'membe, Nawakwi, KK and Sata
By Kombe Chimpinde
Thu 13 Sep. 2012, 10:30 CAT

HAKAINDE Hichilema yesterday mounted a vicious hate speech against Post editor-in-chief Fred M'membe describing him as a little creature who hated people to the bone.

And Hakainde described FDD leader Edith Nawakwi as a hired gun.
Meanwhile Hakainde's special adviser William Banda says it is high time that Zambia was led by a Tonga.

Briefing the press in Lusaka, Hakainde (left) accused M'membe of hating the UPND and wanting to clean out every potential leader so that he can be left alone in the race for Zambia's presidency.

"That is what Fred is, he had never liked UPND, if he had a way, he would ensure that we (UPND) all drown in a river," Hakainde said.
He vented anger saying, "He (Fred) used to hound Mazoka down every day. If I had my way, M'membe would not be allowed to use the Mazoka name, If I had my way."

"Kunyonzana (insulting others) every day! I have not said anything about Mufumbwe, I have not said anything. Why are they dancing around.

M'membe is dancing around, Nawakwi dancing around. What are you scared of? You are scared of Hakainde in Mufumbwe. You want to create confusion; I refuse to be part of confusion. M'membe wants PF to win Mufumbwe, so he will do everything to make PF win Mufumbwe. You won't, Muzakaula (you will be sorry)."
Hakainde said The Post was being used as tool for M'membe to bully potential leaders and those he hated.

"That is what he wants, using his newspaper to bully people every day.
What people don't know is that M'membe wants to clean out every potential leader so that he can be left alone and be the President of Zambia. That's what he wants. Kamambisama (he hides) behind the newspaper-but we know," Hakainde said.

He advised M'membe's 'allies' to inform him that he was just a little fellow, and a creature to him who he could not waste his breath and brains on.
"Tell him that Hakainde has no time for him. I have no time for that little fellow. I have no time for him. A man who hates people to the bone, a man who hated Mazoka to the bone, I know that he hated Mazoka to the bone," Hakainde claimed.

He also mocked M'membe to ensure he paid the K18 billion he claimed M'membe owes Development Bank of Zambia (DBZ). This was in reference to the debt of Zambian Airways to DBZ. Post Newspapers Limited had shares in Zambian Airways, a company now under receivership. And neither M'membe nor Post Newspapers Limited borrowed money from DBZ. The matter is before the Supreme Court.
"The people now know that The Post is no longer a paper for the people. It is a paper for the PF. So they will talk to Nawakwi, who has no meals to cook in the kitchen and use her as a headline. You will not deter us from our agenda," Hakainde said.

In what one would describe as stereotype, Hakainde asked Nawakwi to confine herself to the kitchen and stop attacking him.

"This little girl Nawakwi, who is saying Hakainde has done this, Hakainde has done that…What has Hakainde done? Nawakwi the hired gun for the PF. That is all she is," Hakainde said. "Have you heard me talking about Mufumbwe? Have you? So why is The Post writing every day about Mufumbwe? That is not my job (adoptions) that is the job of (Richard) Kapita here, vice-president administration and the secretary general (Winston Chibwe) and structures who will decide."
Hakainde said that he had been magnanimous towards MMD when it came to sharing seats.

"When there was a by-election in Msanzala, MMD, our structures spoke, we did not put a candidate…I even contributed resources myself, in my own capacity as a villager for the MMD candidate, there was no Nawakwi. In Chama we did not put a candidate-we supported MMD, there was no headline from the PF newsletter called The Post," he charged.

"Nawakwi, kamukazi kaja sikanakambe vilivonse (That little girl did not say anything). Nili namukazi, niwambili wameneuyu (my wife is enough for me). Uyu mukazi anyanya (it's too much of Nawakwi). Please if you (Nawakwi) have run out of what to cook in the kitchen, go and look for something at the market."
At the same briefing, Hakainde erroneously announced to the nation that UNZA Radio had been shut down by the government, only to later correct himself and claim that a mob of UNZA students that had threatened to mobilise thwarted information permanent secretary Amos Malupenga's moves to close it.

"I have just been informed that because they were on the way to closing UNZA Radio, once they heard students where mobilising and that we were having a press briefing here, they returned very quickly to re-organise. They are fearing to effect the closure," he said.

Hakainde also said if Zambians get back into the records, they would realise that Dr Kenneth Kaunda's statements on President Sata where inconsistent.
"I do not want to get in a debate with Mr KK, Dr KK on what he said about Mr Sata but just remember where we are coming from where Dr KK said 'Sata cannot rule because he will bring violence and brutality'. Go in your libraries he said," Hakainde said.

Hichilema also praised Lusaka-based freelance journalist of the pro-MMD Stand Up for Zambia TV documentaries saying "Today I stand here respecting Chanda as a true prophet because what Chanda Chiimba said is what we are seeing today.
He warned us… Wherever you are, we love you my brother," he said.
And Hichilema criticised the registration of sim cards.

"Registering phones (sim cards) so that when you speak we go back to the time we were under a one-party state. What else does this dictator (President Sata) want to do? There is no other name other than calling Mr Sata a dictator," said Hichilema.

And special adviser to Hichilema, William Banda who is well known for political thuggery, said it was high time that Zambia was ruled by a Tonga.
Banda who is in court for offences ranging from corruption to assault vowed that he would continue supporting Hichilema.

"We want you to be our president. You are our president and you will be there (State House)," Banda eulogised shortly before he paraded cadres whom he had mobilised from the MMD.

"They always accuse UPND of being a Tonga party…I want to tell you Mr President that I joined UPND because Tongas are great people in this country. A Tonga by the name of Mainza Chona handed over power without struggle to Dr Kaunda. We want you to be there. We are tired of supporting other tribes we want you to be there."

Among those he mobilised are his former squad members from his days in MMD led by Norman Sakala, infamously known as 'Bobo'.
Former UPND Itezhi-Tezhi member of parliament Godfrey Beene rejoined the party from MMD.

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