
Thursday, September 20, 2012

(LUSAKATIMES) President Sata launches Link Zambia and declares that he has taken over RDA contracts

President Sata launches Link Zambia and declares that he has taken over RDA contracts
TIME PUBLISHED - Thursday, September 20, 2012, 1:15 pm

President Michael Sata this morning launched the Link Zambia 8000 Project and the construction of a bridge at Chongwe River.

President Sata said the project marks the beginning of many road construction projects as outlined by the PF government during the election campaigns.

He said the PF government has started fulfilling some of the election promises as can be evidenced by the creation of new districts and the construction of new roads.

President Sata also promised to work on the Palabana and Chalimbana Roads as a way of opening up the country.

He said he had promised the people of Chongwe during the official opening of Parliament that he would deliver a good road network adding that the launch of the project is a fulfillment of that promise.

President Sata has also requested that MP’s should submit a list of priority roads in their respective constituencies in order to speed up the identification of road construction projects.

He said donors are willing to fund such projects but that Zambia needs to show that it has capacity to deliver.

Meanwhile, President Sata has announced that he has taken over the supervision of all road contracts under the Roads Development Agency to ensure efficiency and transparency.

He said the RDA will now not report to the Ministry of Works and Supply but State House in order to address corruption allegations at the agency.

President Sata said the RDA should be weary of some individuals and organisations that may seek road contracts using his name.

The Link Zambia Project will result in the construction of about 2, 290 kilometres of roads at an estimated cost of K7.9 trillion in the first phase of the project.

The Link Project will also go over Chongwe River and connect to Feira right through to Luangwa Bridge.

The road will provide a link to Kasisi, Chipembi, Chalimbana and Palabana among other areas.

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