
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

(LUSAKATIMES ZM) Scott says agricultural sector has been static in 50 years

Scott says agricultural sector has been static in 50 years
TIME PUBLISHED - Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 1:50 pm

Vice President Guy Scott has observed that the agricultural sector in Zambia has remained unchanged for the past 50 years.

Dr Scott says agricultural sector has not moved due to the land tenure system which is customary as well as state and hoped that the Commonwealth Agricultural Conference currently taking place in Zambia will greatly benefit the sector.

The Vice President said this at the 25th Commonwealth Agriculture Conference being held in Livingstone under the theme is “Africa’s role in world food production”.

At the same occasion, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne of the United Kingdom, who is in the country, said that needs to improve food and energy by 50 per cent and provision of fresh water by up to 30 per cent by the year 2030.

Princess Anne said she is encouraged by the number of young people who are engaged in agricultural activities and hoped that they will be embedded in agriculture in order to allow the transfer of knowledge.

The Princess said Zambia has potential to develop in both the agricultural and tourism industries due to its rich soils and wildlife.

The Princess has since thanked the Zambian government and the Agricultural and Commercial Society of Zambia for its contribution to the agricultural sector.

The conference has representatives from 14 countries which include Australia, Botswana, Canada, England, Kenya, New Zealand, Papua Guinea, and Scotland. Others are United States of America, Zambia and Zimbabwe.


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