
Monday, September 17, 2012

Matale links strife to broken homes

Matale links strife to broken homes
By Moses Kuwema
Mon 17 Sep. 2012, 10:20 CAT

COUNCIL of Churches in Zambia general secretary Reverend Suzanne Matale says families are the most important units not only in the church but the world over. Commenting on Chipata Diocese Bishop George Lungu's call for deeper reflection on the life of the family, Rev Matale said life starts within the family.

"That's why families must be stable and loving because love is one of those important elements of peace. Peace begins at home in families and then this is expressed now from families to communities. At the end of the day, we will be talking about the country," she said.

Rev Matale said the reason why there was so much strife in the world today was because of too many broken homes.

She said as a result there were too many children from broken homes who were just growing without a proper family foundation and background.

"So really children are growing up without values because nobody is there to teach these children. I think he is Bishop Lungu spot on to say that family is the most important unit, not only in church but in the world and everywhere," said Rev Matale.

Delivering his sermon during mass which opened the 75th Jubilee Anniversary commemoration at St Anne's Cathedral on Thursday, Bishop Lungu said the church in the diocese needs to thank God for the blessings it was still receiving.
He also praised God for the gift of Christian families that the church had received for the past 75 years.

"We know that through the families, God has blessed us in so many ways. God had blessed His church with a lot of gifts. The church has received the gift of children of Ecclesia so that the number of the church members could improve. It has also received various leaders at various levels, the Bishops come from the family, priests come from the family, sisters, brothers, catechists and various leaders come from the family," said Bishop Lungu.

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