
Monday, September 17, 2012

(NEWZIMBABE) Morgan Tsvangirai a sex addict?

Morgan Tsvangirai a sex addict?
Sealed with a kiss ... Tsvangirai and his latest wife Elizabeth in a clinch last Saturday
16/09/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporters

SINCE his wife’s death in 2009, Zimbabwe’s Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has been romantically linked with at least a dozen women. The MDC-T leader – who married his second wife, Elizabeth, last Saturday – enlisted the help of friends, aides and even a pastor to play match-makers.

He romped in hotels around the world and one of the encounters – a one-night stand with a 21-year-old Bulawayo woman – produced a child in November 2010. Most of the women admit condoms were almost always never used. Nosipho Shilubane, his ex-lover from South Africa, says he asked her to go on the pill.

An MDC activist who claims she romped with the Prime Minister on one of his visits to the UK says when she asked him to use a condom, he replied: “Haitombomiri [it won’t get up] if I use a condom. If you want, we can try but haimiri.”
Tsvangirai has a massive sex drive and wanted it fulfilled, according to Shilubane.

Whenever he travelled through South Africa, she said, “I would go to whichever hotel he would be in and we would be intimate and make love two or three times on each occasion.”

In November 2010, he flew to Botswana and then rang her. “He said he was distressing, and he missed me and wanted to make love to me. I eagerly followed him, and we stayed together at his hotel making love.”

The Prime Minister’s sexual indiscretions – dramatised by two court petitions by ex-lovers seeking to stop his wedding last week – have left some Zimbabweans wondering if the man who aspires to rule Zimbabwe is a “sex addict”.

Such a diagnosis requires several criteria, including determining if he can control his urges, and whether not having sex makes him anxious, says psychologists, but one expert has told New Tsvangirai exhibits all the signs of a sex addict.

“Tiger Woods, who is a famous golfer and self-confessed sex addict, has some similarities with Tsvangirai,” a UK-based Zimbabwean physician Dr Batsi Chikura said on Sunday.

“Both are famous, influential and loaded with cash. The only difference between the two is that one has admitted to his addiction while the other is in denial and blames his problems on his political enemies for capitalising on his weaknesses.
“Tsvangirai does not see anything wrong with his behaviour and remains defiant and in denial.”

After a court barred him from marrying Elizabeth Macheka under the Marriage Act, Tsvangirai went ahead with a symbolic wedding ceremony last Saturday under customary laws which allow men to have multiple wives.


The legal implications, say experts, are that Tsvangirai now has two wives – Macheka and Locardia Karimatsenga whose court victory prevented the Prime Minister from signing the marriage register with his new wife.

“Saturday’s ceremony with Elizabeth Macheka actually recognised Karimatsenga’s right as Tsvangirai’s wife,” her lawyer, Everson Samukange, said.

“As far as we are concerned, Karimatsenga is still married to Tsvangirai as his first wife. Ndiye amaiguru [She is the elder wife]. She was never divorced.
“What happened on Saturday actually allows Tsvangirai to marry more women, but they will all know that there is amaiguru.”

Tsvangirai hit out at his political rivals, claiming "some have a chain of wives and some took other people's spouses. So what is my issue?”

Dr Chikura said: “The issue is that Tsvangirai could be a sex addict. He has continued with his behaviour despite the negative impact on his health, finances, political ambitions, family and friends. He has risked his career in order to satisfy his earthly desires.”
He said if Tsvangirai declared himself an addict, that could be the start of his rehabilitation.

“Addicts generally deny they have a problem and make excuses for their actions. Acceptance of the problem and seeking help is the first step to recovery. If you are in denial like the Prime Minister, you have no chance; you will always be an addict.”

But one psychologist, speaking on condition he is not named for professional reasons, said while sex addiction was one way of explaining Tsvangirai’s behaviour, but it is not the only one.

"Men will be men," he said. "Tsvangirai, like most rich guys, finds himself travelling all over the world being exposed to a multitude of opportunity.

“With his wife dead, it looks like he got an opportunity to date again – but this time he had money and power, which he didn’t have early on in life when he was a single, not-so-good-looking young man working in the mines.

“Once he started, it seems there was no stopping him. In the same way that he gets a rush from his political job, it seems sex and juggling women became his way of unwinding.”

Tsvangirai had six children with Susan and is thought to have twins with a long-time mistress who lived in Norton before he bought her a house in Mt Pleasant, Harare.

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