Monday, September 10, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) MDC-T ‘Yes’ campaign futile: Zanu PF

MDC-T ‘Yes’ campaign futile: Zanu PF
09/09/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

ZANU PF has dismissed as “scandalous” and “futile” Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s weekend launch of a ‘vote yes’ campaign for the draft constitution, insisting the document cannot be put to a referendum without the endorsement of all the three GPA parties.

Addressing MDC-T supporters at the campaign launch in Harare, Tsvangirai ruled out further negotiations on the Copac draft. He said the constitutional reform process must be taken forward to a referendum leading to new elections. But Zanu PF officials said the MDC-T campaign was futile as long as there was no agreement between the GPA parties.

Said politburo member, Jonathan Moyo: “In the first place, this just shows that these guys have taken time-wasting to new heights because you cannot call on Zimbabweans to say ‘yes’ to nothing.

“The only draft that can be taken to a referendum should be agreed upon by the three parties to the GPA. Anything else is nothing and for Tsvangirai to say ‘yes’ to nothing is scandalous.

“Maybe this is a way of practising his wedding vows. If he wants to say ‘yes’ to (new love) Elizabeth (Macheka), he should not bother the rest of us.”

Tsvangirai weds Elizabeth next Saturday.

Zanu PF spokesman, Rugare Gumbo, added: “The MDC-T has an agenda to disrupt the constitu­tion-making process.

“They are fully aware that they cannot go it alone and hold a referendum. Only the Presi­dent has the legal mandate to call for a refer­endum. Theirs is a futile exer­cise and it will plunge them into the deep.”

The MDC formations have since endorsed the draft and are pressing for the document put to a national referendum.

But Zanu PF wants its proposed amendments discussed by Mugabe, Tsvangirai and MDC leader Welshman Ncube who are all due to meet on Monday. Tsvangirai, though, ruled out any further discussions.

“I am surprised by people who are saying the three principals are going to meet to dis­cuss the draft con­stitution,” he said.

“I will not be part of that . . . I am saying let’s move forward because we are done with the draft. The Speaker (of the House of Assembly) should organ­ise the Second All-Stakeholders.”

Ncube also said his party was already campaigning for a ‘yes vote’.

“We are holding our own rallies to support the draft,” he said.

“We accept that the process is not yet com­plete but we are also acknowledging that this draft was accepted by the select committee and the management commit­tee where all the three parties signed for the draft so we cannot ignore that process.”

National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) chair­person, Lovemore Madhuku, said the MDC campaigns were premature.

“How do you call for a Yes Vote when the Second All Stakeholders’ Conference has not yet been carried out and the process of taking the draft to Parliament has not yet been done?

“It means that the MDC-T is not recog­nising these two important stages and is dis­missing them outright.

“It confirms that the draft which they are supporting does not have the views of the people but it is their own constitution which they are campaigning for.”

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