
Sunday, September 30, 2012

PF urges patience over job promise

PF urges patience over job promise
By Gift Chanda in Kafue
Sun 30 Sep. 2012, 10:00 CAT

THE PF in Kafue district has urged youths countrywide to excise patience over promised jobs.

In an interview yesterday, Kafue PF district chairperson Peter Banda said the party was alive to its campaign promises especially on creating jobs for the youth and was working to towards that.

"We promised jobs and we will fulfil. Youths just need to excise some patience," Banda said.

"A baby cannot just be born and start walking right there and then; it has to crawl first before it can start walking."
The PF was elevated to power from the opposition benches in last year's polls on the wave of promises to create jobs.

However, there has been a growing expectation especially among youths on the delivery of those jobs the party, which clocked one year in office recently, promised.

"If youths wait patiently, they will soon start seeing the jobs coming through," urged Banda. "For instance, the recapitalisation of Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia (NCZ) is already symbolic of the PF's commitment to its campaign promises. A number of youths will be employed at that plant and that is what we promised in our campaigns."

Banda noted that there had been a lot of scepticism over the PF's stance on NCZ in the district following a number of "unfruitful promises" by the MMD regime that never saw the plant seriously revived.

"People thought the plant would just completely go under but we have proved in a small way that we are a working government by mere injection of some capital to revamp operations at the plant."

He said the recapitalisation of the plant was expected to breathe fresh air into the district which was almost dying.
And Banda said the PF had grown from "strength to strength" in the district during its one year in power.

"People here have come to trust in the PF government. We have seen a number of defections from other parties to the PF and this is mainly because of the things; sound policies and rule of the party under President Michael Sata."

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