
Saturday, September 22, 2012

(STICKY) (NYASATIMES) Timau: Bingu speech from the grave –‘IMF, hands off my country’

COMMENT - The taking on of IMF prescriptions is not about economic development, it is about ending a hostage situation by giving in to the terrorists.

Timau: Bingu speech from the grave –‘IMF, hands off my country’
By Sembe Gondwe
September 17, 2012

Any good deed that a person starts during his lifetime, and that is of renewed benefit and ongoing use for others, will continue to benefit him and augment his record of good deeds, even after his departure-as long as its benefit continue to reach others.

It is because of this accepted wisdom that former President Bingu wa Mutharika will today speak to Malawians. Oh, yes, whisper it quickly, Bingu addressed the nation…… we now reproduce his speech verbatim.

…to International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Devaluation

I am afraid the flipside of the coin for Malawians is now showing; I am watching what is happening and I am not pleased. My anger is eating me up! I said it; I have always said it, that while it is good to keep donors onside, they do not always know what is best for us.

IMF, why did you force your way on my people. Look what is happening now, you have devalued the kwacha, can you see the results? Where are you? The truth is that you IMF folks have no economy, World Bank has no country. It is only me- who has the tenacity of purpose, courage, and an unbending will which never flinches before antagonists- I know the material constraints of the Malawian people better, and, possibly, how to solve them. My stand has always been no devaluation. These same people rallied against the farm inputs subsidy programme but the programme improved food security situation in Malawi . The same individuals were against the provision of free ARV’s; they wanted you my people to die.

On devaluation, I repeat, IMF has always been oversimplifying a very complex issue.


I stood firm against devaluation not because I was stubborn but because I wanted to protect Malawians from the many problems of devaluing any currency. We cannot devalue the kwacha simply because someone in Washington wants to be seen working. Devaluation only makes Washington happy. If Washington smiles, Lilongwe weeps; are we not weeping now? My people see the tears.

So, IMF, remind me, what were your reasons, economical or otherwise, why did Malawi devalue her currency? What economics guidelines were you using? Didn’t I warn you that if we devalue the kwacha without you telling us how you will support us the people will suffer? You thought I was an evil man and now can you see what you have done to Joyce? Strikes everyday! Where will she get the money from? I refused to devalue the Kwacha to safeguard Malawians.

IMF, I told you to leave my country, I told you to go to hell! These Breton woods institutions will not help us. Yes, I am beside myself with fury because my policy-objectives were restrained by the shrewd policy machinations of the World Bank, IMF, development partners, and an opposition block out to make fun out of Malawi’s challenges.

….Civil Societies

You were forcing me to devalue the kwacha as if you knew anything. What economics have you done? Tiankhwezule tating’ono inu! I told you that you can’t bully me into submission. Government can’t be taken to ransom by a few disgruntled individuals hiding in the name of civil society. Now, tell me, what alternatives do you have for my people? Mwakasungula can you answer this? The blood of these people who are suffering because of exorbitant price hikes is on you and your friends. Let their spirits haunt you at night. This time they will go after you and not me! Even if you hide in holes they will smoke you out! Why should my people have an increase of mini bus fares everyday? I want you NGOs to prove me wrong today!

….and to Joyce

I made you my running mate and by extension Vice President because I knew that you can manage things. What is this that you are doing now? You are encircled by the same people who were misleading me. I knew how to go round them; moreover, I was just about to do a cabinet reshuffle before I went to sleep. Why appoint a Presidential advisory committee on the economy (PACE) with foreigners in it. Is it realistic? The problem with these committees is that you will not get any tangible out puts only recommendations. They just drain our resources, we are paying them by the hour, what are these people going to do? My country is not a play ground!

I want people with indigenous economic principles. Why wait for wilful IMF or committees when we have our own economists who understand Malawi better. Dr. Thandeka Mkandawire and Dr. Fannwell Bokosi are sitting around while you appoint an international group! Appoint Malawians to solve Malawi problems,

…Civil Servants

Which theory states that civil servants should have low salaries? My plan was to start paying civil servants market rates to enhance productivity. Why pay them low when they face the same problems as every other Malawian. Increasing prices of goods and services impinge on them the same way as everyone else. Pay them market rates and fire them if they don’t execute their duties professionally.

…….and to you Peter

I was very pleased with your speech on the day I was being put in my final resting place. It was very good. I am also pleased with the path you have taken for the party. Keep DPP alive. I want you to prove that I was not favouring you but you have got the mantle to carry the party forward. Look after my wife Calista – she should never walk alone . Look after the children and my Ndata Palace. And remember they are my wife and children, the money, I left is not for campaign purposes only.

Thank you. God bless Malawi

“Even the lord Jesus referred to death as sleep. In John 11:11-14, He spoke of the death of Lazarus as sleep.”

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