
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

99% of Airtel calls go through first time - MD

99% of Airtel calls go through first time - MD
By Ndinawe Simpelwe
Wed 17 Oct. 2012, 13:30 CAT

AIRTEL Zambia managing director Fayaz King says the company is faced with the challenge of meeting the needs of its huge subscriber base. And communications minister Christopher Yaluma says there is need for another mobile service company in the country in order to increase competition.

Speaking when Yaluma toured Airtel head office yesterday, King said it was a huge challenge to meet the needs of a large number of customers every day.

He said the company had also managed to maintain affordable rates for its customers despite the many challenges it was facing.
He said that the services were satisfactory.

"I think expensive is a relative term. It's a relative term that is loosely used and in most cases misused. For us, it's about affordability. You know we are a landlocked country here, you know that we do have challenges of running business here as well," King said.

"We have over 4 million transactions that go on in top up every day on our network. Which company or organisation does four million transactions on a daily basis? That is also a significant challenge to ensure that transactions go through accordingly.

There are several billion minutes that are used on the network every day and every time you make that transaction do you know that 99 per cent of those transactions go through the first time?"

And Yaluma urged Airtel to expand to rural areas in order to serve the rural people as a way of taking development.

Yaluma said mobile communication was no longer a luxury but a necessity, which every Zambian needed.

He said the government's aim was to take cellular services to every Zambian in the fewest years possible.

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