
Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Govt should not spoon-feed Zambians - chief Chikwanda

Govt should not spoon-feed Zambians - chief Chikwanda
By Ndinawe Simpelwe in Mpika
Tue 02 Oct. 2012, 14:00 CAT

CHIEF Chikwanda of Mpika district in Muchinga Province says the government should not spoon-feed the people of Zambia. In an interview, chief Chikwanda said people should not expect the government to provide everything for them. He urged the government to encourage people to be self-reliant and help it develop the country instead of waiting and complaining about their lives.

"We need to contribute and help the government. As much as we know that it is the duty of the government to provide for its people, I think even the people have a duty of helping the government. The government is not supposed to spoon-feed its people; the people need to work and make their lives better," chief Chikwanda said.

"I always tell my people here that they should be self-reliant and not to expect the government to provide everything for them."

He also said the government was moving in the right direction and had a good vision for the country because of the developmental programmes it had embarked on.

Chief Chikwanda said the re-aligning of districts by President Michael Sata was a clear example that the government had a vision of developing the country.

"If you look at Muchinga Province, the President chose Chinsali which was the least developed to be the headquarters.

He didn't choose Mpika (to be headquarters) which is already developing because Chinsali will now be developed to position itself as headquarter. It's a nice plan that will work out very well," chief Chikwanda said.

He said it was good that the government was working very well with the chiefs who are in touch with the local people and knew what problems they were facing.
Chief Chikwanda said the chiefs were now motivated to contribute to the development of the country because they were consulted on matters of national interest.

He further said he expected the opposition to continue criticising the government as a way of keeping checks and balances.

"Politically, it's okay for the opposition to criticise the government because that is what will make them work. They (opposition) should continue arguing on various issues so that they help the government deliver to the people because at the end of the day, opposition and government have the same vision of making Zambia a better country," said chief Chikwanda.

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