
Saturday, October 13, 2012

(HERALD ZW) Zwambila attends ex-Rhodies’ reunion

Zwambila attends ex-Rhodies’ reunion
Saturday, 13 October 2012 00:00

ZIMBABWE’S ambassador to Australia Ms Jacqueline Zwambila has come under fire for attending the Reunions of the Rhodesian Forces commemoration, an event which honours former Rhodesian soldiers.

The event was held alongside the Australian New Zealand Army Corps celebrations to honour living and departed veterans of the First and Second World Wars.

Reports say Ms Zwambila went there at the invitation of former Rhodesian soldiers who fled to Australia after independence in 1980.

Sources based in Australia confirmed her attendance at the event held in Capitol Hill three months ago.

According to a letter by a former Rhodesian Forces Brigadier Digger Essex Clark, applauding his colleagues for attending the event, there was also special mention of Ms Zwambila.

Brig Clark thanked the ambassador for attending the celebration in a letter leaked to The Herald.

“I also think that the spirited welcome given to us by an excited Ndebele Zimbabwe Ambassador (Ms Zwambila) and supporter of Morgan Tsvangirai, as you came off the bleachers was the icing on the cake for us all,” wrote Brig Clark to his colleagues.

He added: “Directly after the parade, the Zimbabwe Ambassador, Jacqueline Zwambila came up to us asking to meet. We had a great chat and a few pics.

“I am surprised Australia permits them to have reps here considering the way Bob treats this country and his track record. Anyway, she seems to be the opposition party.”

According to Brig Clark’s letter, the reunion celebration is an annual event attended by all Ex-Rhodies.

However, some embassy officials questioned why Zimbabwe continued to allow Ms Zwambila to embarrass the country.

“She went to attend the ANZAC, which has also become a platform for the commemoration of the role of former Rhodesian army officials and some remnants of the Ian Smith regime. This was an unofficial meeting and there are no records at the embassy inviting her,” said the source.

Secretary for Foreign Affairs Ambassador Joey Bimha could neither confirm nor deny the incident yesterday.

“We are yet to receive such a report from the embassy in Canberra,” said Ambassador Bimha.

However, embassy officials accused Ambassador Zwambila of operating discreetly, saying she carried around confidential government documents in her private vehicles.

MDC-T reportedly does not care about her operations as she is linked to party president Mr Tsvangirai.

“She does not want to use official embassy vehicles when conducting Government business and in most cases it is not known who else she shares the confidential Government records with.

“She goes alone to all meetings without communicating with anyone,” said the source.

The ambassador has been in the news for the wrong reasons.
The Canberra-based envoy in November 2010 allegedly stripped to her undergarments after accusing three embassy officials of leaking information to The Herald.

Ms Zwambila could not be reached for comment as she was said to be attending a private meeting in Syd- ney.

MDC-T spokesperson Mr Douglas Mwonzora said: “We have no knowledge of such a meeting at all. We will be able to comment once we get more information on the matter. Pictures alone do not mean much to us.”

However, Zanu-PF spokesperson Cde Rugare Gumbo said it was not surprising to hear that Ms Zwambila was associating herself with the Rhodesians.

“Her involvement with the former Rhodesians is sad and it shows how ignorant she is of the history of the country.

“She is there representing the inclusive Government and how can she go to celebrate and identify herself with such forces,” he said.

Meanwhile, some embassy officials say the Australian Government was showing double standards as it was mum over PM Tsvangirai’s abuse of women.

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