Sunday, October 14, 2012

IMF should focus on SMEs - Kasese-Bota

IMF should focus on SMEs - Kasese-Bota
By Henry Sinyangwe
Sun 14 Oct. 2012, 14:50 CAT

THE International Monetary Fund should focus and encourage the growth of small and medium scale enterprises to improve people's lives, says Ambassador Dr Mwaba Kasese-Bota.

Speaking when she addressed the Economic and Financial Committee (or Second Committee) of the United Nations at the Headquarters, Ambassador Kasese-Bota, Zambia's permanent representative to the UN, said SMEs had direct and greater impact on the lives of ordinary people.

This is according to a statement released by first secretary for press at Zambia's permanent mission to the UN, Chibaula Silwamba.
Dr Kasese-Bota reaffirmed the importance of reforming the World Bank, the IMF and UN so that they serve humanity better.

"The systemic problems facing us will only be resolved through the reform of the global financial system and architecture," Ambassador Dr Kasese-Bota said.
She said the multilateral trading system should be more equitable in order for developing countries to equally benefit from global trade.

"We must make progress on the Doha Development Round of Trade negotiations that have remained in a stalemate," she said "I also wish to call for the operationalisation of the Green Climate Fund and ensure ready and equitable access to the fund for developing countries so as to enhance the development of sustainable energy."
Ambassador Dr Kasese-Bota urged UN member states to urgently find effective responses to the global economic crisis.

Ahead of the 2015 deadline of the millennium development goals (MDGs), Ambassador Kasese-Bota noted that most Least Developed Countries (LDCs), including Zambia, were not on track to achieve goals.
"Zambia is still committed to attaining the set goals," the envoy assured.
Ambassador Dr Kasese-Bota said developing countries and cooperating partners should work in a coherent manner to ensure that the post-2015 development agenda takes account of successes, concerns and challenges of the MDGs and build on them.

Zambia's acting deputy permanent representative to the UN Irene Tembo, Ministry of Finance deputy director for regional planning Esnart Mpokosa and Ministry of Commerce's trade and investments promotion officer Phyoka Nkunika accompanied Ambassador Kasese-Bota to the meeting.

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