
Friday, October 12, 2012

Kabimba, GBM draw cheers in Parliament

Kabimba, GBM draw cheers in Parliament
By Ernest Chanda and Mwala Kalaluka
Fri 12 Oct. 2012, 14:00 CAT

OPPOSITION members of parliament on Wednesday cheered justice minister Wynter Kabimba as he stood up to give his maiden speech while others shouted "GBM" in apparent reference to defence minister Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba.

And Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Patrick Matibini was compelled to call for order in the House following opposition members of parliaments' euphoric behaviour whenever Mwamba appeared in the House.

When several Cabinet ministers and deputies, including Kabimba raised their hands for a chance to debate President Michael Sata's speech, several UPND members shouted, "Wynter, Wynter" even before Speaker Matibini gave him the opportunity to debate.

After Kabimba was allowed to debate, several other opposition members shouted "Ya! Ya! with Kasenengwa MMD member of parliament Victoria Kalima remarking: "the president-in-waiting."

And before he could start his debate, again some opposition members shouted: "GBM", in apparent reference to Mwamba.

And in his debate, Kabimba urged his colleagues to denounce corruption no matter who was involved.

"Do not speak in whispers about corruption but say it loud and clear, even if it is the Minister of Justice who is involved," said Kabimba as some UPND members shouted; "GBM."

And Kabimba urged his fellow members of parliament to support legislative amendments that he would bring to the House, which seek to strengthen institutions fighting corruption.

On persistent differences between PF and opposition members of parliament, Kabimba said Zambians were not interested.

"People are not interested in the power consternations which are characterised within and outside this House. I shall not recruit any member of the opposition to join PF unless this becomes extremely necessary," said Kabimba.

After he finished his debate and other PF members stood up, including Mwamba, some opposition members pleaded with the Speaker to grant Mwamba an opportunity to debate, but it was later granted to health deputy minister Christopher Mulenga.

And Mwamba and Kabimba's entry into the House continued to attract comments and shouts from other members of parliament.

On Tuesday, Mwamba's entry into the chamber at 17:35 hours triggered running commentaries and applause from the opposition side of the House.
Mwamba responded by nodding towards the opposition before greeting some of his fellow PF members of parliament that went where he was seated.

On Wednesday, Mwamba entered the House at 15:54 hours when his fellow ministers were responding to questions for oral answer, and the applause he got from the opposition UPND and MMD members of parliament was little louder than Tuesday's.

"GBM, GBM, yaa, yaa, yaa," some opposition parliamentarians shouted as Speaker Matibini called them to order. "Ba kateka the president, ba president."
Meanwhile, Eastern Province minister Charles Banda said he was ready to take on anyone disputing government's ability to deliver to the province.

Contributing to the same motion, Banda said President Sata was a man of action and that Zambians were lucky to have him for a leader.

"He believes in action and this is what defeats the thinking which our friends have that they are very intelligent," Banda said. "That is a fallacy. What we appreciate and what the people of Zambia are going to appreciate is the accomplishment of the promises we made to them."

Banda said there could be no argument that President Sata had not delivered to the people of Eastern Province as he outlined a number of successes scored in the education, agriculture and health sectors over the last year.

"We are not going to waste resources by pretending that we are mighty," said Banda. "These achievements are things which are actually there, very tangible... if there is anyone who wants to take me on in an argument, I am very ready. We are very happy and we are very proud because we are seeing action."

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