
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

(LUSAKATIMES) Government implores mining companies to revamp trade schools

Government implores mining companies to revamp trade schools
TIME PUBLISHED - Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 12:44 pm

Government has implored Mining companies in the country to consider revamping the trades training institution in their areas of operations in order to create a reservoir of skilled labour for the industry.

Mines Deputy Minister Richard Musukwa said this today during his tour of Kwambula training centre at Solwezi technical trades institute.

Mr Musukwa said it was the desire of government to see that the expanding mining industry had a reservoir of skilled human resource which will be able to continue running the mines long after expatriates leave.

He said once trades schools were operational the dependence on expatriate labour will reduce and this will result in more Zambians taking up skilled jobs in the mining companies.

Mr Musukwa also urged Zambians working in the mines to maximize on expatriate skills in various fields so that they remain equipped with skills that will eventually help them to sustain mine operations after investors leave the industry.

And SOTTI principle Charles Shindamba said the Kwambula training centre had added value to the institution as it would produce the necessary human resource for the mining industry.

The Kwambula training project is an initiative by First Quantum Minerals in conjunction with government to train local people in various skills necessary to support the mining industry.


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