
Monday, October 22, 2012

Moeletsi Mbeki advises against nationalisation

COMMENT - The enemy within. There is an entire chapter in Naomi Klein's book The Shock Doctrine on how the ANC was co-opted into becoming a neoliberal party and betray the principles of the Freedom Charter.

Moeletsi Mbeki advises against nationalisation
By Tilyenji Mwanza
Sun 21 Oct. 2012, 14:30 CAT

SOUTH African political analyst and economist Moeletsi Mbeki says Zambia should forget nationalisation and focus on industrial-driven entrepreneurship.

In an interview, Mbeki, young brother of former South African president Thabo Mbeki, said the Zambian government did not have to embark on nationalising its industries because the government was in control by merely having political power.

"We do not have to nationalise our industries like my brother Julius Malema is preaching, or as our dear Kenneth Kaunda did. We have the power over these industries because we have political power and all we have to do is check what is happening and control it and implement policies that will make our countries benefit," he said.

Mbeki suggested that entrepreneurship would create jobs faster than nationalisation.

Mbeki said a real, functioning multi-party democracy was essential to increasing confrontation of propositions and ultimately, a certain competition of ideas.

"Developing science, engineering and management education requires new politics post-nationalisation. We saw the start of this with the emergence of the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) in Zambia and the Movement for Democratic Change in Zimbabwe," Mbeki said.

Meanwhile CCZ secretary general Reverend Suzanne Matale also welcomed Mbeki's remarks on nationalisation.

Rev Matale said there was no need for Zambia to embark on a nationalisation campaign because government had never been good in business.

"Yes there is no need to start nationalising institutions and it is a well-known fact that government are not good business people. What we want is a sustainable development and I can assure you nationalisation is not the route to take," Rev Matale said.

She added that there was need for government to create an environment that would promote investor confidence and allow for business to operate smoothly.

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