
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) Ex-farmers target Zimbabwe’s UK assets

COMMENT - These white farmers are an entitled and vindictive lot. Why don't they get compensation from the British government, which after all was the one that reneged on it's obligation to fund land purchase in Zimbabwe.

Ex-farmers target Zimbabwe’s UK assets
31/10/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

A GROUP of white former commercial farmers forced off their farms under the country’s land reforms have approached the UK government in a bid to have seized Zimbabwe assets used to pay their compensation.

The eleven families believe the UK treasury is holding Zimbabwe assets seized after sanctions were imposed against the country more than a decade ago.

They also claim to have sent a 2,500-signature petition to foreign secretary William Hague protesting EU plans to lift the sanctions at its next review of the measures.

One of the farmers, Timolene Tibbett, 56, said they would not rest until they get “justice" from President Robert Mugabe’s government.
“I can promise the Zimbabwean government we are not going away,” Tibbett told the London Evening Standard.

“We are going to be on their toes until we see that justice is done and we get paid - we have a good case. I’m sure we will win.”

She said a court awarded them more than $22 million compensation in 2009 adding the figure has since risen to $30 million due to interest.
At the time, the Zimbabwean Government agreed to settle the debts, but three years on the money remains outstanding.

Now been reduced to living in a small flat in Harlow in Essex, the former equestrian competitor says the stress of the ordeal led to her husband’s premature death.

“It’s extremely difficult. I have no friends and very few family here. I have a couple of relatives, but my children are not here with me. They are scattered all over. Life has changed drastically, dramatically for me,” she said.

Recalling the build-up to her family’s eviction, Tibbett said: “There had been lots of intimidation of our workers and a neighbour of ours who was an opposition supporter was murdered.

“The War Veterans came to the farm, they got near the house and demanded certain things. There was chanting, shouting and screaming.
“We stuck it out for about three weeks, watching and listening to them.

“Finally, my husband said he could not stand to watch the family’s livelihood and that of all our workers being allowed to die - it was very frightening.”

After being forced to leave their land in the Macheke district, which they had worked since 1986, the penniless family fled to Harare to try to set up a business, but times were hard.

Tibbett’s husband later travelled to Nigeria for work, coming home every couple of months to see his wife, but the stress became too much and in 2008 he died from a perforated ulcer, aged just 50. After a brief spell in South Africa, Timolene returned to the UK last year.

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