
Monday, October 08, 2012

PF is being inconsistent on street vending - Chituwo

PF is being inconsistent on street vending - Chituwo
By Fridah Nkonde
Mon 08 Oct. 2012, 14:20 CAT

FORMER local government minister Brian Chituwo says street vending has become a complex problem that will bring about a lot of other problems if left unchecked.

In an interview on Saturday, Dr Chituwo, who is MMD vice-president for administration, said street vending was illegal under the local government Act Chapter 281 of te Laws of Zambia.

"It is actually true that our country is becoming very dirty. Councils and the local government are mandated by law to look after the welfare of the residents. When President Michael Sata was in the Ministry of Local Government and Housing), the law on street vending and other laws like the nuisance Act were there. We expect some of the things to change now that he is President," Dr Chituwo said.

He said it was unfortunate that former local government minister Professor Nkandu Luo, who was just in the process of engaging the street vendors and removing them from the streets, was no longer in the ministry.

Dr Chituwo said there was need for the PF and its government to consider other people's rights because laws were already there.

"It's sad that PF is so inconsistent on issues…today, this minister says this on street vending, and the next day, another minister says the opposite.

There is need for them to just say, 'look, move out of the streets and go to the markets'. This might be very difficult but it is for their own benefit. It's painful but they need to be bold enough to find a lasting solution to this problem. We need some order," he said.

Dr Chituwo said there was also need for the government to ban the manufacturing and selling of plastic bags because they contributed greatly to making the country dirty.

Meanwhile, Dr Chituwo said there was need for people to stop buying from the street vendors, adding that it was unfortunate that Zambians found it very hard to buy from designated places.

Dr Chituwo wondered why it was difficult for Zambians to maintain cleanliness in the country when other countries in the world had managed to do so.

"We need a by-law to stop people from making the country dirty. If a law is put in place, people will be scared of littering the streets, and urinating in the streets because they will be scared of being punished. Just imagine how many people buy from the streets... you will find a lot of people in town buying vegetables and other things through the window when driving," he said.

Dr Chituwo advised the local government ministry to get out of their offices and begin engaging all interested parties so as to render Zambia a cleaner city.

On June 28, 2007, Sylvia Masebo, as Minister of Local Government and Housing issued Statutory Instrument number 44 of 2007 - the Local Government (Street Vending and Nuisances Amendment) Regulations providing for various penalties for various nuisances.

Among the offences and fines include:

Throwing litter on, or along a street or prescribed road (500 penalty units or K90,000);

Defecating in any unauthorised place (2,500 penalty units or K450,000);
Sale of local produce in any street or in any public place, other than a market established by the Council, except with permission of the Council including:

(a) Food

(b) Any other item or produce

(c) Live animals/birds (1,500 units or K270,000);

and Depositing or allowing to accumulate or keeping upon any premises any dirt, filth, refuse, rubbish or any offensive matter likely to become offensive (2,500 units or K450,000).

However, regulations are not enforced and everyone is indiscriminately throwing litter and trading in undesignated places including streets.

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