
Monday, October 15, 2012

Sata makes Japanese Catholics very proud

Sata makes Japanese Catholics very proud
By Bivan Saluseki in Sapporo, Japan
Mon 15 Oct. 2012, 14:00 CAT

A JAPANESE Catholic Priest says President Michael Sata's showing of faith and love for God which is public has made Japanese Catholics very proud.

And President Sata yesterday said he was very impressed with the penetration of the Catholic Church in some Asian countries.

President Sata attended Mass at Kita 1 Joue Catholic Church in Sapporo together with ministers Given Lubinda, Sylvia Masebo and Emmanuel Chenda.

During his sermon themed; 'Owning our possessions versus being owned by our possessions', Fr Ken Sleyman said President Sata was the first President to attend Mass at the Cathedral since it started 10 years ago.

"Your model of showing your faith and love for God so publicly makes us very proud to be Catholic today and encourages us to be more courageous in living our Catholic faith life in Japan," he said.

"Your presence here today Mr President shows clearly that no matter who we are and what we do, we all need God in our lives, to guide us and help us to be good shepherds of the people entrusted to our care, like Jesus did 2,000 years ago in ancient Judea (present day Israel and Jordan). May God bless you Mr. President and first lady Dr Christine Kaseba Sata as you endeavour to bring joy, peace, prosperity, and health to all the peoples in beautiful Zambia. Our prayers are with you both."

Fr Sleyman preached that Christians should know the difference between possessing things and the danger of being possessed by things.
"Sadly, the young rich man in the Gospel could not make this pivotal distinction and he turned and left the company of Jesus because the gospels report that he was very wealthy," he said.

"In reality the Gospel today is not to be understood as anti-money. Jesus was a carpenter himself and he knew the value of money to help meet the needs of his Mother Mary and his disciples. If it was not for many rich benefactors in Jesus' day helping the early Church, there might not be a Church today. Even Jesus had rich friends."

Fr Sleyman cited Joseph of Arimathea who gave Jesus his own tomb to be laid inside and Mary Magdalene as a woman of means who anointed Jesus' feet with costly perfume before he died.

"We cannot let temptations and things become obstacles to our progress towards eternal life. That is Jesus' message for us today. Do our habits, values, and the things we possess help us or hinder us? Do you possess the things, values and habits in your life, or do they possess you?" he asked.

During the sermon, another priest Fr James Mylet praised President Sata, saying it was an honour to have him.

And President Sata, who was asked by Fr Mylet to speak to the church, reluctantly agreed and said since the time he was at a seminary in 1950, there were few Catholics in countries such as Japan, South Korea and China.
He said he was happy to see an increase in the number of Catholics in those countries.

President Sata said even though the number of Catholics in Japan might be small, as compared to Zambia where gatherings were like rallies, he was very impressed with the progress made in recruiting more converts.
Later, President Sata stood by the door to greet the congregants.
President Sata today leaves for South Korea.

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