
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

(STICKY) (NEWZIMBABWE) IMF eases Zimbabwe help restrictions

COMMENT - The IMF is up to it's old tricks again - more Structural Adjustment Programmes. To read Zimbabwe's experience with SAP from 1991-1996, read Antonia Juhasz "The Tragic Tale of the IMF in Zimbabwe". They don't want to see the economic sanctions against Zimbabwe lifted (see ZDERA, Section 4C (1) and (2), and Section 3), they just want to 'advise' them on their economic policies first. As a privately owned cartel, the IMF serves it's own shareholders interests and no one else's.

IMF eases Zimbabwe help restrictions
30/10/2012 00:00:00
by Gilbert Nyambabvu

THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) said Tuesday it had relaxed restrictions on providing technical support to Zimbabwe, rewarding the country for improvements in economic policy co-operation with the Institution. The Fund however, stressed that there would be no financial assistance involved.

Easing its restrictions, set after Zimbabwe fell behind in repayments, would however, allow the Fund to advise the government on its economic programmes as well as and monitor their implementation.

“The Executive Board has decided to resume IMF technical assistance in certain new areas to support Zimbabwe’s formulation and implementation of a comprehensive adjustment and structural reform programme that can be monitored by (IMF) staff,” the Fund said in a statement.

The relaxation comes at a time Finance Minister Tendai Biti is crafting the country's 2013 national budget amid concern over faltering growth and dipping government revenues. Biti recently revealed that the 2012 revenues had fallen short of projections, with the government facing a US$400 million blackhole.

Still, funding must be found for the new agricultural season, bonus payments to some 230,000 state workers as well as a constitutional referendum whose bill is estimated at about US$100 million.

Meanwhile, the IMF said its technical assistance would cover areas such as tax policy and administration, public financial management and expenditure policy, financial sector and central bank reform as well as monetary and exchange policies.

“The Executive Board took into account a significant improvement in Zimbabwe’s cooperation on economic policies, the authorities’ efforts and renewed commitment to address its arrears problems, and Zimbabwe's severe capacity constraints in the IMF’s core areas of expertise that represent a major risk to the implementation of the government’s macroeconomic stabilization program,” the statement added.

Zimbabwe has been behind in the repayment of $132 million owed to the IMF since 2001 and is also in default on another $1.5 billion owed to the World Bank and African Development Bank, according to a June 2012 IMF report.

The IMF said Zimbabwe was “the only case of protracted arrears to the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT), the IMF’s vehicle for concessional lending to low-income countries” leading to the suspension of technical assistance as well as removal of the country from the list of PRGT-eligible countries.

However, in a September report, the IMF said the government had begun co-operating more closely in discussions on its outstanding debt, including making a new commitment to repay the money.



This is unwelcome news! IMF assistance has been bad for Zimbabwe. This offer is worse; they are going to tell us what to do without even offering us money in exchange for following their neoliberal policies.
Worse yet, Biti likes IMF ideas!

Colonisation euphemisms ,these bastards are so brazen to issue these statements .Same horse of oppression different jockey .Powerful lobby companies behind these dastard organisations because they are going to loose control of Zimbabwe land and natural resources ,since it has became law of the land.

Stay out of Zimbabwe!!!! we know your track record very well.We will continue suffering and smiling and shall overcome.Just look at SA people getting murdered for demanding a better wage.
Gari WekuZviyambe

Biti aita sei? Ndiye akaunza ESAP here?

No IMF please! We dont need these predators, we are doing just fine without them. This debt they keep talking about comes form their "expert advice" of the 1990s, remember ESAP! This the perfect time for the old man Bob to tell them to go to hell. We will all be slaves to the IMF and WB soon just as the rest of the world is going towards there, just look around, we will all be issued a number, does tripple six ring any bells?

"The IMF eases restrictions ,however this doesn't involve credit lines ,but technical assistance ".They want to offer assistance and charge for it .Jeeze!!! these people are devils .

That is the most stupidest statement I have ever heard in my life time from people who aspire to have created English language .

It is very important we debunk this patronising rubbish.Zanu pf made payments in 1998 ,$960 million in interest only ,38% of exports .Futher remittances where committed when the Reserve bank was raided of hard currency in 99 ,a catalyst of fuel shortages and medicine .Imports are paid for in foreign currency. Then 500 million bailout from SA ,part of the funds used to manage this debt .Zanu pf has consistently paid this debt regardless of social and economic adversity compared to Greece and Spain .They might be guilty of somethings ,but not this falsehoods being cooked by IMF former Chief is a sex pest.

Now ,that out of the way .IMF has no say on how the constitution of Zimbabwe is supposed to operate to their liking ,we are a soverign country ,land reform ,indigenisation is irreversible .We Zimbabweans both Zanu and MDC are fighting for the betterment of our nation and we don't need outsiders to lecturer us on morals ,how and when .When their economies are in dire straits .

Like all other families we will and shall get through this and prosper again.Africa existed and prospered before IMF ,UN and World Bank and will raise again .SO TWO FINGERS UP.GO AND HANG!!!.

IMF ngaisiyane nesu. We have survived this long without and now that we are slowly coming out of the doldrums they want to come and steer our economy back to slavery.
Sekuru VekuMhondoro

NO THANK YOU IMF. We will call you if we need you maybe in 2000&NEVER. We are no longer the dumb africans of yester years. We know your deals and we DON'T want them. STAY AWAY. BYE

Its cheap talk to say eased help will "allow the Fund to advise the government on its economic programmes as well as and monitor their implementation."
Is it not IMF that advised African govs to restructure by selling critical state infrastracture when in Europe, America or Russia they did not advise so.
Africa will do better if they have nothing to do with these colonial names like IMF or Commonwealth.

Mr Biti: The Lawconomist

Can you have a read of this before your next cup of tea with your IMF and World Bank masters:

If you look at t the 1980's, the IMF took on an expanded role of lending money to
"bailout" countries during financial crisis. Just take alook at the Greek example though slightly diffferent from our example. This gave the IMF leverage to begin
designing economic policies for all developing countries. Countries have to follow
these policies to get the IMF's go ahead to get loans, international
assistance, and even debt relief. Mr Biti you as an Active Architect of ZDERA 2001 you MUST be aware that is why Zimbabwe was crippled from the around the inception of ZDERA 2001 and prior to that with ESAP.... ThE IMF has enormous influence not only
in structuring the global economy, but also on real-life issues such as poverty,
environmental sustainability and development. But do they benefit Africans? I think not

The IMF is one of the most
powerful institutions on Earth and I am sure you know that Mr Biti. The IMF does not serve the interests of Zimbabwe and any other developing country! They have never and they never will.....and you Mr Biti smiling like that and setting our country for another long haul of debt burden is unacceptable

Why was the IMF created in the first place?

Well the insightful ones will say as
a system of modern day colonialism that drains via ESAPs the poor to fatten the rich former colonial masters

The IMF, along with the World Bank, is directing the global
economy on a path of greater inequality and environmental destruction. The IMF's
and World Bank's "economic structural adjustment policies" (ESAPs) ensure debt repayment
by requiring countries to cut spending on education and health; eliminate basic
foods and transportation subsidies; devalue national currencies to make exports
cheaper; privatize national assets; and freeze wages. These policies increase
poverty, reduce countries' ability to develop strong domestic economies and
allow multinational corporations to exploit workers and pollute the

The IMF caters to wealthy countries and the elite of this world....its only involvement with the poor is to make them even poorer!

Mr Bit you need to look at history and you will notice that the Western countries have not borrowed from the IMF in over twenty
years, yet it is the rich countries who dominate decision making. IMF Voting power is determined by
the amount of money that each country pays. The U.S. is the largest shareholder
with a quota of 18%. U.S., Germany, Japan, France and Great Britain together
hold about 38% of the vote. Each of these countries appoints their own
representative to the executive board, while other groups of countries elect a
representative. The U.S. Executive Director is Meg Lundasager, and she works
closely with the U.S. Treasury Department to design policy
for the IMF. The disproportional amount of power held by wealthy countries
translates into decisions that benefit wealthy bankers, investors and
corporations from industrialized countries at the expense of sustainable
development. Is it a surprise that the IMF then uses its leverage over
cash-strapped developing countries to force them to open up to powerful
transnational corporations? That is why I am telling you Mr Biti to wipe off that smile when dealing with these rogue organisations.

The IMF's imposing and conditionality model is a fundamentally flawed development model

So Mr Biti we urge you to think first.......we appreciate you are a Lawyer and not an economist

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