
Monday, October 01, 2012

(TALKZIMBABWE ZW) Harare mayor probed for ‘double-dipping’

Harare mayor probed for ‘double-dipping’
This article was written by Our reporter on 1 October, at 05 : 20 AM

GOVERNMENT has appointed a team to probe Harare Mayor Muchadeyi Masunda on allegations of conflict of interest in awarding 3,000 residential stands to CABS and Old Mutual, companies he chairs.

But the mayor says he followed rules, made a full disclosure of all outside interests and recused himself from any meeting where there could be conflict of interest.

The team is primarily investigating the awarding of all council tenders since 2010, a move that could implicate several councillors.

Local Government, Rural and Urban Development Minister Ignatius Chombo has since ordered that the deal on the 3 000 stands be reversed.

He said the stands should be allocated directly to residents.

Under the deal, Old Mutual and CABS serviced the land, putting in roads, water and sewers, before allocating the developed stands.

Minister Chombo said by alloting the stands to CABS and Old Mutual, Mr Masunda was “double dipping” since he was the board chairman for both.

He said Mr Masunda had 60 percent stake in John Sisk, the company sub-contracted to service the stands.

Minister Chombo told a meeting with Harare residents last week that some councillors were enriching themselves at the expense of residents.

“Council must take back the 3 000 stands allocated to CABS and Old Mutual to benefit local people instead of benefiting two companies where Muchadeyi Masunda is the chairman.

“That is the kind of double dipping which Zanu-PF and the people do not accept.”

The committee to probe Mr Masunda and his council will be headed by Mrs Ellen Chivaviro, the finance and administration director at TelOne.

Other members of the team are Deputy Attorney-General Mrs Florence Ziyambi (deputy chair), Mr Jabulani Nyoni, Mr Shingai Ndoro, Ms Charity Nyambira, Mr Joramu Mumbwandarika, Mr Enock Magaisa and Mr Taurai Maja.

The appointment of the committee follows recommendations by the team that investigated the recent delivery of poisonous sodium cyanide to the city for water treatment.

Mr Masunda yesterday said on taking office as Mayor in July 2008 “I made a full disclosure of all my interests to the city council.

“In addition my conduct at all material times being beyond reproach. I always recused myself from any meeting where there could be any conflict of interest, however remote that possibility may be.”

Earlier he had said: “On all the occasions that I have interacted with Dr Chombo during the last 51 months of my stint as mayor, he has never expressed any misgivings or reservations. If anything, he has been supportive.”

Minister Chombo said Harare councillors had inexplicably changed their lifestyles since they came into office.

“When the 46 MDC councillors were voted into office, 44 had no cars and only two had cars.

“Right now, two still do not have cars and the rest have more than two cars each and several residential properties in suburbs such as Borrowdale.”

Minister Chombo said all property developers should negotiate with those who defaulted on payment.

“Property developers must sit down with desperate home seekers from all backgrounds and be given a payment plan on how outstanding money has to be paid,” he said.

Zanu-PF political commissar Webster Shamu told the same meeting with residents that the party would not tolerate corruption.

“If you are a Zanu-PF member and indulge in criminal activities you are a bad apple and we do not support that,” he said.

“Those people should be removed, especially corrupt MDC people who are enriching themselves at the expense of the people.”

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