
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Why doesn't Kaingu want this govt to succeed?

Why doesn't Kaingu want this govt to succeed?
By The Post
Tue 23 Oct. 2012, 15:50 CAT

Michael Kaingu, the MMD vice-president in charge of political affairs, says they will make life very difficult for the Patriotic Front government. Kaingu further asks: "It's like a man who has married your ex-wife, would you want him to succeed?"

What is Kaingu talking about? What does he mean by making life very difficult for the Patriotic Front government?

If what Kaingu means by making life very difficult for the Patriotic Front government is the MMD making sure that those in government don't get away with any wrongdoing, wrong decisions or actions, then that would be perfectly okay.

This is what the opposition should do. Those in the opposition should always make sure that the government is not allowed to do wrong things or to cling to sub-optimal decisions. Any wrongdoing of government should be exposed and criticised or denounced.

Truly, there are, in the body politic, economic and social, many and grave ills, and there is urgent necessity for the sternest war upon them. There should be relentless exposure of and attack upon every evil man whether politician or businessman, every evil practice, whether in politics, in business, or in social life. But there is always need to remember that such attacks are only of use if they are done in pursuit of the common good and are absolutely truthful.

Malicious and irresponsible attacks on government won't produce anything that serves the common good. And if such attacks take the form of slander, then other new problems will be created. It puts a premium upon knavery untruthfully to attack an honest man, or even with hysterical exaggeration to assail a bad man with untruth.

An epidemic of indiscriminate assault on government, or indeed upon the character of anyone, does not good, but very great harm. The soul of every scoundrel is gladdened whenever an honest and innocent man is assailed, or even when a scoundrel is untruthfully assailed.

It is clear that Kaingu's intentions to make life very difficult for the Patriotic Front government are not in pursuit of noble goals or the advancement of the common good. We say this because Kaingu tells us that an ex-wife's marriage should not be allowed to succeed. Kaingu sees the government as an ex-wife of the MMD and the Patriotic Front as the new husband of this ex-wife.

What type of thinking is this that can lead one to look at government in this way? The government is not an ex-wife of the MMD. The MMD is still very much part of this government, and especially so as the leading opposition political party.

It is this type of thinking that makes it necessary for our politicians to educate themselves on the need for "loyal opposition". This idea is a vital one. It means, in essence, that all sides - the ruling party and the opposition - in a democracy should share a common commitment to its basic values.

Political competitors don't necessarily have to like each other, but they must tolerate one another and acknowledge that each has a legitimate and important role to play. Both sides should agree to cooperate in solving the common problems of society. The role of the opposition is essential in any democracy worthy of the name. And by loyal opposition, we don't mean that the opposition should be loyal to the specific policies of the government. We mean that the opposition should be loyal to the fundamental legitimacy of the state, and to the democratic process itself.

We would like to remind all political parties, including the MMD, that politics should be for the good of the people and the country, and not for the political survival of any individual or political party. If the spirit of the primacy of the common good were to animate all our political parties and their leaders, we would not be hearing the things that we are hearing from politicians like Kaingu today, which leave the public dismayed and disheartened.

There is need to remind our politicians of the noble goals of political activity. Politics should aim at the promotion of the common good and the service of all the people. The common good is the reason for the existence of political institutions. And it should enable people to express commitment and concern for each other as well as attain the fullness of love. Common good calls upon all persons to contribute and commit themselves responsibly to building a peaceful and just society for all. Politics must have as its aim the achievement of the common good.

It is clear that Kaingu doesn't wish this government well; he doesn't want it to succeed; he wants it to fail. But in whose interest is all this? Who benefits or loses if this government succeeds or fails? It seems if it fails, Kaingu will be very happy because that's what he wants to see. If this government succeeds, Kaingu will be very sad because that's not what he wants.

We all know that if government succeeds, the people benefit. We also know that if government fails, the people lose out. Therefore, the failure of the government hurts the people and the success of any government benefits the people. He who does not want the people to benefit is certainly not with the people. And he who wants to see the people lose out is certainly against the people.

From this type of thinking, it is clear that Kaingu and his colleagues are not pursuing something very noble in politics. Greed, vanity and selfishness is what seems to propel them. Government should only succeed if it is being run by them. If government is in the hands of the Patriotic Front, it should fail.

Kaingu is not wishing the Patriotic Front government well in any way. And he is very frank about it. Kaingu is not ashamed to publicly say he wants this government to fail; he wants this government of the people by the people for the people to fail. In a word, Kaingu is not ashamed to say that he doesn't wish the Zambian people well.

Patriots always wish to see their country succeed - with or without them. You will not see them gloat over national reverses, nor talk down their successes, as Kaingu and MMD are doing. Patriots always wish to see the economy grow stronger and stronger, whether with them or without them. Patriots don't look at removing the party in power on the back of national failure. They always believe that there will be sufficient grounds without that to argue for their removal.

Again, we ask: why doesn't Kaingu want to see the Patriotic Front government succeed? Why does he want to see this government fail?

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