
Thursday, November 08, 2012

Camps in PF have created problems, says Malama

Camps in PF have created problems, says Malama
By Moses Kuwema
Wed 07 Nov. 2012, 17:00 CAT

MFUWE member of parliament Mwiimba Malama says the camps in the PF have created problems in Parliament. Recently, defence minister Geoffrey Mwamba who featured on Kasama's Mano radio, said there was a clique both in Parliament and Cabinet plotting his downfall.

In an interview, Malama said the PF members of parliament were finding it difficult to freely associate for fear of being labelled as members of a particular camp. He said people that were engineering the camps in the PF were unwise.

"There is a very big problem now whereby we members of parliament don't know where to belong. When you are talking to honourable Davies Mwila, MP for Chipili, then you belong to this camp. And if this person finds you, he will just point at you and say you belong to this camp. It is not good. When you talk about PF structure, I have all the rights to associate with anyone, I should not be pointed a finger at to say 'look now that one belongs to that camp and he is not supporting me'," Malama said.

But when asked if there were camps in Parliament, Malama responded: "I don't think so, except people keep saying there are camps and are saying it out of ignorance. The only camp I would say is there is the PF camp, where we have Mr Sata as president and Dr Guy Scott as vice-president and the cabinet ministers, so these other camps are for people who are not wise," he said.
Malama advised those who were bringing confusion in the party to resign peacefully and allow the PF to deliver on its promises, adding that as a 'true green' he was not worried about the confusion.

"If some people are saying they pumped money into the party for it to win, I never received any assistance from anyone in Mfuwe apart from using the name of the president. I used the name of the president and probably it even gave me a lot of support besides what I did for five years after my first election in 2006. Everyone contributed to the change of government, we must thank people from the media, traditional leaders; they also did something," he said.

Meanwhile, Malama said those who were positioning themselves to take over from President Sata should show the nation what they had achieved in their lives.
And PF Copperbelt provincial youth secretary Kabwe Chanda said those who thought they were more popular than President Sata should resign from PF and form their own parties.

"No one should use President Sata's popularity to destroy the party. We are not going to allow that as youths. If this tendency continues, we are going to be very rough to these people," said Chanda.

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