
Thursday, November 01, 2012

Civil servants aligned to MMD want to frustrate PF - Sata

Civil servants aligned to MMD want to frustrate PF - Sata
By Ernest Chanda
Thu 01 Nov. 2012, 14:00 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says there are civil servants still aligned to the fallen MMD administration who want to frustrate his regime. After swearing in three top government officials at State House, President Sata ordered them to straighten things.

The President swore in former foreign affairs permanent secretary Peter Kasanda as deputy secretary to the cabinet, former Lusaka Province police commissioner Solomon Jere as new deputy Inspector General of Police, and Muyenga Atanga as permanent secretary in the Ministry of Communications, Transport, Works and Supply.

"And you Mr Kasanda I've decided to move you from foreign affairs to cabinet office because there's a very big vacuum in this present government. We are on a big MMD volcano and I want you to straighten the government," he said yesterday.

"There's so much confusion they want to frustrate us they don't want us to succeed. And people who are being frustrated are the common people, they're not the people who can speak."

And addressing Atanga, President Sata warned him against the temptation of being corrupted by contractors.

"Where you are going there's temptation; the temptation of single-sourcing contracts. Follow all the things, follow the tender procedures, don't single source," President Sata said.

On Dr Jere, the President warned him against fighting his superior.
"I'm very impressed with you, and because I'm impressed with the entire police that's why I've promoted you. But I want to warn you, stop fighting that woman, she's the Inspector General," warned President Sata.

"So, muzamwalila bonse muzamusiya (you will all die but she will remain). She's the Inspector General and I'm very pleased with the entire police force because at least we politicians can mislead you, but with an exception of me who is untouchable. All these ministers are touchable; you can ask the Minister of Justice. And when you know that we are going to incite problems say no, you don't need to explain why you are saying no. And I want you to go to Mufumbwe. So far you have done well, Mufumbwe is very peaceful."

And Dr Jere has promised to keep peace in the Mufumbwe parliamentary by-elections.

"Whether it's MMD or PF, there are rules that have been set out by the ECZ Electoral commission of Zambia. And we expect all those participants in that election to adhere to the law," said Dr Jere.

"We are not going to look at faces, we're just going to look at the participants, especially those that decide to disobey the law, we are going to effect arrests immediately. We have had enough violence in Mufumbwe. And the history of Mufumbwe being a place that is prone to violence, I think that is enough, let by-gones be by-gones."

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