
Friday, November 16, 2012

(DIAMONDS.NET, RAPPAPORT) DMCC Praises Zimbabwe Diamond Conference

DMCC Praises Zimbabwe Diamond Conference
Nov 16, 2012 5:38 AM By DMCC

Press Release: Following the conclusion of a successful Zimbabwe Diamond Conference 2012, Ahmed Bin Sulayim, the executive chairman of the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), expressed his gratitude and admiration to the conference organizers for a meaningful and significant event that yielded tangible results.

"We congratulate the Zimbabwean Ministry of Mines and Development on a job well done and on the reaffirmation issued by the Kimberley Process Certification System chair that Zimbabwe is fully compliant. We sincerely hope this will lead to a continuous increase of supply of Zimbabwean rough diamonds into the industry pipeline," Bin Sulayim said.

The DMCC chairman also vowed that it would fully support the efforts to be undertaken by Eli Izhakoff, the president of the World Diamond Council, to engage the United States Treasury and the European community to lift sanctions on diamonds from Zimbabwe.

"I am convinced that for many of the functionaries, industry leaders, other delegates and visitors, this visit to Zimbabwe was an eye opener. The openness and the unprecedented high level of the [panel] discussions created an electrifying atmosphere where all issues were on the table, examined and discussed. I certainly hope these types of value adding meetings will be held in the future as well," he noted

*Pictured: Part of the head table of the Zimbabwe Diamond Conference 2012. From left: Ahmed Bin Sulayim, executive chairman of the DMCC; Thabo Mbeki, former minister of South Africa; and Robert Mugabe, president of Zimbabwe.

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