
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ex-chief Mumba accuses Mwale of inciting 'subjects'

Ex-chief Mumba accuses Mwale of inciting 'subjects'
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Wed 21 Nov. 2012, 13:10 CAT

FORMER senior chief Kalindawalo Mndikula, Everson Mumba, has accused Nsenga Cultural Association chairperson Stephen Mwale of inciting people to rise against him.

And Nsenga Royal Establishment chairperson Ferdinand Mthaziko Banda says he was hopeful that the Nsenga tradition and customs will be restored.

Reacting to a media statement issued by Mwale that people were happy with President Michael Sata's decision to withdraw his recognition, Mumba, who spoke through his spokesperson, Collins Tembo, said Mwale was not the right person to speak on behalf of the association.

He said as a result of Mwale's statement, some people vandalised a billboard leading to his palace on the Petauke-Nyimba road.
Tembo said the removal of the former chief's billboard had been reported to Petauke police.

"This man (Mwale) has no house in Petauke and he should ask people of Petauke about what the former chief has done. People have built houses and a lot of developmental projects had been done. The other thing is that the royal family cannot say anything over the government's decision (to withdraw its recognition of Mumba) because we respect the laws of the country," said Tembo.

And Banda said there was need to uphold the Nsenga tradition.
Banda said he could not comment much on President Sata's move to withdraw the recognition of Mumba because the President instructed the Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs to conduct meetings in the area.

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