
Friday, November 16, 2012

Kachingwe defends MMD officials seeking govt jobs

Kachingwe defends MMD officials seeking govt jobs
By Allan Mulenga
Fri 16 Nov. 2012, 13:50 CAT

MUCHINGA MMD member of parliament Howard Kunda has described senior MMD officials frequenting State House for jobs as betrayers. But MMD national secretary Major Richard Kachingwe says there is nothing wrong with senior MMD members looking for jobs from President Michael Sata.

In an interview Kunda, who is the son of late Republican vice-president George Kunda, said senior officials frequenting State House with a view to getting jobs were not genuine leaders.

"Those people who are frequenting State House from the MMD they are not good leaders. We need a strong opposition, so that we can provide effective checks and balances. That is why we are there in Parliament… is to check government's way of doing things," he said.

"They are betraying the leadership of MMD because you see we go into the party because we believe in the policies of the party. We are adopted and we go through to represent the people who have voted for us. If we start going into the government because we want to have an easy life, that is wrong. We have to represent the people who voted for us."

Kunda urged MMD members of parliament to continue serving the people who voted for them, even if it was tough to be in the opposition.
"I know it is tough in the opposition but we have to be strong and just forge ahead. It is not for us. It is for the Zambian people. For me, I wouldn't try even to go there to State House to look for a job," he said.
"For what? I have a job. The Zambian people in Muchinga Constituency have given me a job to represent them. Eventually, we will come back into power and continue from where we left as MMD."
But Kachingwe said he did not hold a grudge against party members entering State House for jobs.

"It is their democratic right. If somebody is looking for a job from the head of state, that is okay. First of all, these jobs are for Zambians. They are not for an individual class or what, no. They are for Zambians and those who are going to State House are Zambians. You cannot start holding a grudge against anybody entering State House," he said.
"I don't know whether they have been given jobs all of them. But to me if there are jobs in Zambia, they are for Zambians and if there are Zambians looking for jobs, let them look for them."

Asked on reports that he in particular had been frequenting State House for consideration by President Sata, he responded: "I have told you State House is for everybody. Were you told that I was looking for a job? I am chief executive officer of this party. Posterity will judge me harshly if I leave this party. That (State House) is where the head of state is. The head of state is the father of everybody. Anybody can go there. I don't hold any grudge for anybody for going to State House, no. We don't do that as a party. Most of our members tell us they have been called by the President and we tell them he is the President, go."

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