
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Nevers wants to get rid of Kachingwe - Chanda

Nevers wants to get rid of Kachingwe - Chanda
By Tilyenji Mwanza and Ernest Chanda
Tue 27 Nov. 2012, 08:00 CAT

LUAPULA Province MMD vice-chairman David Chanda says party president, Nevers Mumba, wants to get rid of Major Richard Kachingwe and is using the MMD die-hard youths to champion his agenda.

Chanda said Mumba was destabilising the party and should be warned that he was replaceable.

"Mumba should know that he is easily replaceable and should not use unrecognisable youths in the party to rid of people who we duly elected. If he's not careful, we will get rid of him," he said.

Chanda said he was shocked that such an unrecognised 'die-hard youth' organisation in the party was causing so much anarchy.

"To us in Luapula, that is the highest level of indiscipline. We don't expect the die-hard who are not even part of the national structure to be causing such anarchy. Die-hard are just a nuisance to the party and this has to be addressed. If Mumba is not comfortable with the national secretary, he should just leave the party because he is destroying it," he said.

Chanda also advised Mumba to stop politicking and endeavour to deliver his election promises. He said it was time to work with the government and ensure that development was brought to the nation.

Chanda advised members of parliament not to object to the construction of a retirement house for President Michael Sata because it was a positive move. He expressed displeasure at Mumba saying his agenda was of merely opposing than that of working towards building the nation.

"Let us not just oppose, oppose! Let's give them time to work and even advise and if they fail, come 2016 we will point out that, 'you failed here and you failed there'," said Chanda.

Mumba has refused to comment on the MMD's internal woes.
And Solwezi Central member of parliament Lucky Mulusa warned that the method being used to hound Maj Kachingwe out of the party could be dangerous.

Mulusa said he had enough courage to speak publicly on party matters instead of using other people.

He said the party leadership should engage in dialogue before hounding out anyone.

"It's not true that I'm part of that group because I've been out of the country until last week. We have not been talking to each other and we've been talking more against each other outside the party structures. So we have not exhausted internal procedures of resolving issues. So unless we exhaust those and come to a conclusion that we don't have a linking of minds then we can really be resorting to the harsh measures," he said in an interview yesterday.

"Maj Kachingwe is like a lion in a chinaware shop. You've got breakables in a chinaware shop, so the question is 'how do you get the lion out of the chinaware shop'?

Do you get it out by stoning it or you get it out by making it run? You want to retain your chinaware it's your stock, so how do you get the lion out of the chinaware shop? That is the wisdom we need to draw on at the moment. The question is 'what would be the perfect way to exit the person if you don't want him'? And I'm saying this particular method might be dangerous. And that's why I'm talking about talking more to each other than against each other."

He said Maj Kachingwe had defended the party effectively in various court cases.

"Maj Kachingwe is the national secretary of MMD. He knows all our structures, he knows all our strength; he knows how he has defended the party. We've had court cases Maj Kachingwe has been in the forefront defending the party. That's why I'm saying that we need to apply more wisdom than we have done so far," Mulusa said.

And Mulusa said MMD members should question how the party suddenly became broke after losing power. He said a lot of questions remained unanswered in the way party affairs were being handled.

"The handover of the MMD from the Banda regime to the interim leadership that we had was almost non-existent. There're a lot of questions that are still remaining unanswered from the general membership. Like why should the party be so broke when we were rich only a short while before the elections; a day before elections we were so rich and a day after elections we became so poor!" said Mulusa. "The only people who can answer such questions are people like Maj Kachingwe, so you don't kick them out.

That's why I'm saying we need to engage people like Maj Kachingwe more than we are doing now. For example, who controls the party accounts, where is the wealth of the party? So there are a lot of issues we need to settle before we start saying this one moves to this position, this one goes to that particular position."
And well-placed party sources have revealed that Mumba wants members that can 'insult' President Sata.

The sources told The Post that Mumba was uncomfortable with Maj Kachingwe and his deputy, Chembe Nyangu, because the duo was not criticising the government strongly as he would wish.

"He is uncomfortable with certain senior leaders in the party, including the national secretary Maj Kachingwe and his deputy Mr. Nyangu. He feels that these people have not been criticising the PF administration; they have not been 'insulting' the President," the sources said.
The sources accused Dora Siliya of being behind the group that was against Maj Kachingwe and Nyangu.

Some youths have been calling for the removal of Maj Kachingwe and Nyangu for allegedly working with PF.
They have both denied the allegations.

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