
Wednesday, November 07, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) The beautiful ones have now been born

COMMENT - It is election time, so expect more hot air from the MDC.

The beautiful ones have now been born
06/11/2012 00:00:00
by Senator Obert Gutu

FROM April 18, 1980, up to now, they have fed us on a diet of lies and propaganda. They have spared no opportunity in telling us that they were God’s gift to Zimbabwe. They will scream and shout and proclaim that because they liberated us from British colonial oppression, they have a divine right to rule us until Kingdom comes.

In reality, these people have always been wolves in sheep’s clothes. The majority of them have always been fake, turncoat revolutionaries who were never interested in building Zimbabwe into a modern, prosperous nation state. They are political scavengers out to line their pockets with ill-gotten wealth.

They will occasionally wave a clenched fist and scream that it is the ultimate sign of black power. Alas, they would be lying through their teeth. That fist is, in actual fact, a fist of fury. It is a fist of shame, a fist of thuggery and intolerance.

We know these pretenders very well. They cannot and should never be trusted. They always say what they don’t mean. They never walk their talk. They indicate left but suddenly they will turn right. Such is their nature. They are unreliable. They will talk and preach peace but clandestinely, they will organise and finance terror gangs to be unleashed on innocent and defenceless people, particularly during election time.

These people cannot be trusted. You can only trust them at your peril. Their hands are dripping with innocent blood. They are a dangerous lot to the general well-being of the people. Times without number, they will lambast Britain and other Western nations and blame them for all the socio-economic suffering that the people of Zimbabwe have gone through. Talk of so-called sanctions is their favourite and tired past time.

According to these fake revolutionaries, the economic decline and socio-political malaise in the country is solely caused by so-called illegal sanctions. Even when they loot the country’s resources and privatise national assets, they will tell you that is indigenisation and empowerment. When more than 80% of the people subsist on less than US$2 per day, we are told that we are poor because Britain and America are rich.

We should ensure that this bunch of looters is not given carte blanche to continue stripping the country of its wealth under the corrupt guise of empowerment. We should expose them for what they really are, that is, a selfish and corrupt bunch of looters who have pauperised the people through ill-advised and thoroughly discredited policies such as the so-called indigenisation and empowerment drive.

What they really are doing is to target otherwise well-run corporations and companies for their own greedy and corrupt accumulation of personal wealth. This is why they will never disclose to the public the real beneficiaries of the so-called empowerment programme. They have very huge skeletons in their cupboards. This is the main reason why they will kill to retain power. They are morbidly afraid of prosecution. They are cowards. They should never be trusted.

They are running a very well-financed parallel government. They have virtually privatised the diamond sales from Chiadzwa and Marange. For how else can they raise US$20 million to dish out to the people as a massive vote-buying gimmick? How else can they afford to raise US$6,5 million to construct a conference centre when the country is struggling to put up adequate infrastructure to host the UN WTO conference in August 2013?

They always lambast the Finance Minister and blame him for inadequately funding agriculture. What they don’t tell the people is the fact that their ill-advised and violently executed land reform programme is the real cause of the persistent hunger and famine in Zimbabwe. Some of these pretenders have grabbed more than 19 farms each; which they have hopelessly run down. Now they have made a beeline to poach wildlife in the world-famous Save Conservancy. Their greed knows no bounds. They are driven by rabid greed and morbid selfishness.

Instead of creating wealth, they would like to always grab wealth. As Nelson Chamisa wrote recently, these people have got a departure lounge mentality. They know that their time is up. This is their last supper.

Some political cowards amongst this lot will occasionally day dream and declare that Morgan Tsvangirai and the MDC will never be allowed to take over power even if they win, as in actual fact they will, in the forthcoming harmonised elections. Let us make the position very clear to these fake revolutionaries. Zanu PF is not Zimbabwe and indeed, Zimbabwe is not Zanu PF.

The people of Zimbabwe have long since rejected Zanu PF’s crude and primitive politics of thuggery, violence and looting. More importantly, the people of Zimbabwe are not scared of these cowardly war mongers some of whom cannot even fire a pistol. We are not scared of these cowards. They are serial electoral losers who have to sing, very loudly, for their supper. No-one takes these cowards seriously.

The people of Zimbabwe now have a unique opportunity to drive these expired politicians to the dustbin of history where they belong. Violence and intimidation should never be tolerated. We have had enough of these thugs. Their time is up. They have absolutely nothing new to offer to the people. They have no blueprint to transform Zimbabwe into a prosperous, industrialising nation state. Their thoroughly discredited indigenisation programme is an exercise in futility.

You cannot rob Paul to pay Peter. Instead of focusing on creating jobs and attracting foreign direct investment, these pretenders are busy targeting the destruction of the country’s economic base. They have failed to run tuck shops at the farms that they violently looted, but somehow they dream and think that they can run multi-million dollar mining houses and big commercial banks. These people are a real joke. A complete joke!

The good news for Zimbabwe is that the beautiful ones have now been born. This is a rejuvenated bunch of politicians who are capable of taking this great nation to the next level. This is a vibrant group of political leaders with cutting edge intelligence and a great vision for Zimbabwe. This is the group that will occupy the seat of power after the elections in 2013.

Anyone who thinks that Zanu PF can retain political power after the make or break elections in 2013 is clearly overdue for a major psychiatric examination. In March 2008, the people rejected Zanu PF. In 2013, the people will again, resoundingly, reject Zanu PF.

Obert Gutu is the Senator for Chisipite in Harare and he is also the MDC Harare provincial spokesperson. He is also the Deputy Minister of Justice & Legal Affairs


Ah ava vanhu veMDChi. Other than all the platitudes about hee good government, hee democracy hee rule of law, hee human rights all regurgated from some foreign forums, huyezvo hee(r) women Fights and now hee(r) overseas flights for new instructions ndechipiko chamaita chinotibenefita isu vanhu vatema. Tipeiwo maserious tinzwe zvamunoronga mumaboardroom (nemumabedroom) menyu imomo zviriwo original. Kwete kungoita politics dzekungo ponda ZANUPFE musinachenyu chamareva. Tinao meso, tinadzo nzeve. Tino ona, tinonwza. Tasvinura manje. Come next e(R)lections muchaona. Some more beautiful ones might have to be born again. Zvenyu izvi ndiyo inozi still birth chaiyo.

You are just regurgitating what we have been told for ages.

For crying out loud what is MDCT offering to Zimbabwe?

Besides, you are just waffling without anything substantial to bring to the electorate.

MDCT is corrupt.
MDCT has no leader, except an immoral, insensitive, clueless, women-abuser.
MDCT has no plan, even for the Land Reform Programme, besides imposing Benett to be anAgricultural Minister!!!!
MDCT has the hungry, greedy psudopoliticians

Obert, please spare us. You sound like a Kindergarten child. Just an empty tin. You are better off somewhere, your political approach has to mature, you are far from it. YOU ARE A COMEDIAN (Just like the way you look, a typical sellout) SORRY!!!

'The beautiful ones are born'.....have you looked at Moregirls recently Gutu?

This IS bordering on childish and insane! How do you expect people to take MDC seriously with such mediocrity! How can you write a full article solely on speculation and more speculation, pointless hidden meanings and zero evidence. When you go to school and then University (I hope you did Gutu), you back your points with evidence....otherwise you get a right fail like you have just done here.
With all the money that is bank-rolling this pathetic party why not get the services of a PR FIRM to guide you? I mean serious Gutu wakanyora uripai such a mediocre article? Why not take some valid tips from the analytical genius Manheru?

Mr senator are you implying that morgan tsvangirai is beautiful? the guy must go for some panel-beating before he scares away much of the electorate, nough respect to his girls(Loca et al) for their bravery of facing such a creature in bed.

This ndzvonyo-head is insulting all intelligent Zimbabweans by believing that if he attacks ZanuPF then the discredited fake democratic MDC party which is well known to be infested with gross corruption, gross incompetence, fraudsters, sexacapeds, record breaking illiteracy, poor planing, primitive parliamentary contributions & a leader who changed his party's constitution to indefinitely extend his own leadership is the best & only alternative to lead Zimbabwe.

This ndzvonyo-head needs to be reminded that even if for some reason Zanu is indeed as bad as he says, the discredited MDC party & its discredited leader are NOT the best & suitable replacement in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabweans know that it is better to wait for the right leadership to come up than to put complete dimwits in charge of such a high value country.

This is not Harvest where you can suggest stupid things. Go grow some hair!

Mamuudza CDE!!!!!

Another megaphone analyst who has made this site his home .You fled Robert Mugabe mismanagement and poverty .Come to Britain and spend the whole day here spamming comments .Chikala is better ,sometimes he is absent ,but you are the worst .

What then if Mugabe is no more ?.Uchaitasei .

Ana Jukwa varikufunda and you are here trying to convince users they should look up to Zanu responsible for chasing them away in the first place .And they will come back in numbers ?.

They are sad people in Britain ,but you are down right pathetic .You once appraised yourself as a serious scholar here judging by your comments .Ha.ha!!!!!!

Ende wandituka uyezve

1)Gross incompetence (Maize imports and hyperinflation and Air Zimbabwe).

2)Fraudsters ( 1 billion reserve bank hole looted during farm invasions and Gono 23 million farm subsidies ).

3) Sexacapedes ( Alum Mpofu homosexuality ,Mugabe married another man's wife ).

4) Record breaking illiteracy ( Obert Mpofu misconstrued mining contracts and sold diamond cheap).

5) Poor planning ( No Electricity ,water systems ,good roads ,health care and education ,Smith handed over when these systems where intact .Now it's dark and filth.)

6) Indefinite leadership ( three decades in power through violent and murder ,88 year old pensioner with hair falling ,wears a nappy and running nose).Zimbabwe is now worse circa 1980.

" If Zanu pf is bad as he says ,Zimabweans knows it is better to wait for a true leadership " .

Zanu murdered own citizens in Bulawayo ,chased millions away abroad ,including idiots like you .The thing is ,you are the only one who believes in your rubbish .I thought subjective vitriol and disdain which you normal receive is not just ,since everyone is entitled to their opinion .But you are cut above the rest ,your IQ is lower than a chipmunk .

Lack of knowledge ,subject and information .Edifice of upright stupidity .Why did you even bother migrating at all ?, you should have given others a chance to better their lives .It is not late you can swap .Zanu will never request your services ,you are a danger to yourself .

Dont make stupid arguments. I clearly wrote that even if for some reason Zanu is indeed as bad as he says, the discredited MDC party & its discredited leader are NOT suitable as replacements PERIOD!

Do you understand what that means or that is too much for your small brain?

Attacking ZanuPF does not mean MDC is better. Get that into your thick head. You dont replace a slow puncture with a flat tyre. Not even an idiot would do that.

Zanu pf is a bad party .I have just provided hard facts .They have been in power for 30 years and Zimbabwe now is in sorry state .Wrestled farms the country now cannot even fed her own people .

Just take a long at our neighbours Zambia ,Mozambique who have seen peaceful transitions and growing .They where once former colonies and none of them are moaning about imprelialism ,but just getting on with it .

Mugabe is discredited no matter how he tries to play it .He murdered Tongogara and Gukurahundi .MDC is far much better.

You have an IQ of a chipmunk for sure because you copy ,paste and regurgitate rubbish ,@RG_M is worse his head is full of cow dung .MDC is not going anyway soon,middle class will always vote for the party .Deal with that .

My head is full of cow dung? what does that mean? The article by Gutu is shallow and he knows it........their local PR firm has forced them to counter genius articles from Manheru and Reason, but we all know MDC as a reactive and inactive party....they foolishly get people with no analytical or comprehension skills to pen such mediocre articles.......I am not sure why you have gone into overdrive with the insults and expletives.....but if that is what you enjoy all power to you sir
Zuda Madhara

Ko imi makaimporter chii? Masanctions?

Senator, you spent all your energy attacking Zanu PF policies such as land reform, indigenisation and executing the liberation struggle calling our gallant fighters fakes. By this you mean the real warriors are Bennett, Kay and Mutsekwa who fought on Ian Smith side and hold very senior positions in MDC-T? The strangest thing is nowhere in your rumblings did you outline any MDC-T policies? At least you can nominate Zanu PF policies but what is missing is what your own party stands for?

It's no longer enough to just attack Zanu PF without elaborating your own party's policies senator. It is shallow.

it is idiots like this gutu moron who has destroyed your country,now he claims to be the savoir of zimbabwe?
no offense,but what is wrong with the brains of you sub saharan africans? only in sub sahara africa,in this modern day and time,could people be so dumb,and something like this could happen!
you people are doomed! a man who has killed his own economy is the ANSWER for his economy? only in sub sahara africa!

They are political scavengers out to line their pockets with ill-gotten wealth.......................................
lets see now. tsvangirai has NEVER had a six figure salary in his LIFE! but he now has money to pay for lobola. he has money to pay for child support in the sum of 1400 a month to young girl that he knocked up,and he has money to pay off locardia to the sum of 300k plus legal fees?
IS THIS MAN CRAZY!!!!? where did tsvangiari get all of HIS MONEY FROM?

Ndiyo midhosvo yema lawyer yakazara ku MDShit, mwari neva dzimu please chengetai Zimbabwe.

Speaker demands another vehicle.

Tuesday, 06 November 2012
Zvamaida Murwira Senior Reporter.

Speaker of the House of Assembly Mr Lovemore Moyo wants a second vehicle allocated to him together with other presiding officers for Parliament to match his counterparts in Government.

In an interview recently, Mr Moyo accused the Executive of allocating its members such as Government ministers and deputies, two vehicles each excluding him together with his deputy, Ms Nomalanga Khumalo, Senate President Cde Edna Madzongwe and her deputy Cde Naison Ndlovu.

Mr Moyo said he and his other colleagues wanted an off-road vehicle in addition to the Mercedes Benz to match his colleagues in the Executive.

“We are not asking for favours. These are our conditions of service. Right now I am using a Discovery as an off-road yet junior persons like Deputy Ministers are driving better cars.

The off-road Discovery that I am using is not even mine, we are hiring from CMED,” said Mr Moyo.

The Speaker said all presiding officers at Parliament were hiring off-road vehicles yet they were entitled to them for personal use when going to rough terrains.

The Speaker accused Treasury of claiming that there was no money to buy the vehicles yet all of the Executive members including those deputy ministers who were recently appointed already drove better cars than him.

The Speaker also made reference to the “unfair deal” in his keynote address at the pre-budget seminar in Victoria Falls.

When contacted for comment, Senate President criticised the Speaker for bringing conditions of service issues up at the wrong fora.

“Why did he not take it up with Finance Minister? Why raising the issue during the budget seminar.

“He might have a case, but the fora was wrong,” said Cde Madzongwe.

MPs also want additional vehicles claiming that those allocated to them by Treasury were damaged during Copac’s outreach programme.
Masky Guys

Is he a Poet or a Politician?? This read like a good piece of poetry. The record of MDC-T characters in government speaks more than what the good minister has regurgitated. ZANU-PF is by no means a party of angels but to describe MDC-T streetkid-turned politicians as 'a vibrant group with cutting edge intelligence' is insulting to Zimbabweans at the very least!
Zuda Madhara

I definitely need someone to interpret to me what this guy is trying to say. Mr Gutu, I think your essay writing skills were so awful in school. You are touching too many things at the same time it becomes so confusing what it is that you are trying to hammer home. Its it the issue fist waving, or is it the issue of boasting as liberators or is it the issue of a conference centre (by the way you fail to tell us which conference centre as you mentioned it together with the 20 million dollar input scheme which recent suggesting ZANU PF had just built a conference centre). If you are referring to the one at Chibuku building, that centre is an old one built in the early eightees - why talking about it now in conjunction with diamonds discovered only yesterday? I think from writings on New Zim I would definitely start an evening school to teach adults to think like adults and managers to think and act like managers - there is need for this in Zimbabwe.

As usual, Mr Gutu is always on the mark. These so called liberators have since conolised their own people.

Mhoro dhodius?

why are you calling me that? what have i done to you? Mhoro Rude, how have you been pal?


What did you do with Zuulu? I know what you think? You probably think it was Luke.

Not you. I already told you who you are. Zulu is in Avenues Clinic with a massive headache.

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