
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) MDC-T 29 betrayed by colleagues

MDC-T 29 betrayed by colleagues
05/11/2012 00:00:00
by Phyllis Mbanje

THE 29 MDC-T members charged with the murder of a police officer in Harare last year were betrayed by party colleagues, their on-going trial heard Monday.

Principal investigating officer in the case, Detective Chief Inspector Clever Ntini, made the claim when challenged to reveal the identity of police informants by defence lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa.

Glen View MP and MDC-T youth leader, Solomon Madzore, along with 28 other party activists are charged with the murder of Inspector Petros Mutedza in May last year.

The ZRP officer was killed when a police detail responding to reports of an unsanctioned political gathering at a Glen View shopping centre came under attack from dozens of stone-throwing MDC-T activists.

Detective Ntini told the trial, which resumed Monday, that he could not name the informants because they were known to the suspects. He added that investigators also dispensed with the usual identification parade to protect the identity of the witnesses.

"I cannot reveal the informants' identity because they apparently belong to the same party as the 29 accused persons," he said.

"We did not hold an Identification parade because we did not want to risk the identity of the informants."
However, Mtetwa dismissed the detective’s claim and insisted that those arrested were nowhere the scene of the clashes.

She said the 29 suspects fell victim to “political profiling” by the ZRP whereby MDC-T members in police records are just rounded up whenever a crime is committed.

The defence lawyer added that this had seen 45 people being arrested in connection with the murder although police later only charged the 29.

"You used the profiling method just like you do with WOZA, if there is a demonstration you simply pull out the profiles and storm their homes and beat them up," Mtetwa charged.
"In this case you simply showed pictures of the accused to the so called witnesses."

Detective Ntini also told the court that the suspects were identified by undercover cops deployed in the area who included police officers Spencer Nyararai, Solomon Mushaninga, Victor Magutarima.

However, the detective was forced to admit that he was “mixing up issues” when Mtetwa reminded him that the three officers were not plain clothes cops but part of the reaction group led by Inspector Mutedza.

Mtetwa also said two of the officers had since denied witnessing Mutedza’s murder.

"Nyararai has given evidence already and he does not mention ever witnessing the event," she charged.
Detective Ntini had the gallery in stitches when he said, in response: "I could have mixed up issues here."

The MDC-T activists, most of whom have been in custody for more than a year, deny any involvement in Inspector Mutedza’s murder.


That is when you will realise that most people are ignorant. Vanofira isiri yavo. Now lemon faced Tsvangison is enjoying his honeymoon in England vamwe muri mujeri and your families dzichikwangwaya nenzara. For what???? President Mugabe and Tsvangison drink tea vese apa imi muchitemana kumalocation over nothing.
Gari WekuZviyambe

I agree with you Gono. When will people realise that it is not worth it killing or fighting your neighbour because of political differences? We must be able to offer different views in a peaceful manner. We are all passionate about our futures but there is no need to be violent about it. My brother and I have very divergent political views and we argue each time we meet but we do tichiseka. Why country the whole country do the same?
Gangarahwe Chimutsa

varume chaivo, amadoda esibili? simukai tiverengane!"
Sipho Sibanda

Well put Gono.Most Zimbo bafoons ! The ugly busy screwing left right and center and what are they doing killing and betraying each each.

Zviri kwese. What remains is us the voters to be reasonable and stop fighting. Lets use our power to vote and convince them nema policies.

Last time l spoke like this a close friend labelled be ," a person who doesn't believe in anything". Fact of the matter is you are right Gono. If people realized this simple fact they will save themselves a lot of anguish. This is not 1977 and it's not Smith in power. The dynamics are different. Keep your mouth shut, register to vote and come election day go vote. It's as simple as that. Leave the campaigning to Morgan, Robert and Welshman. Thanks to modern gadgets l can hear what they have to say in the safety of my house. If l were in the USA or Botswana, the story would be different. They have no violance associated with their elections. I would take my wife to the rally. In Zim, I wont even bother. In private Politicians are very civil towards each other.... While you fools bash each others' heads in the streets.... and all for what? NOTHING.

Sisonke and thanks
Tony Tagart

Gono I can see you are trying to heap blame on Morgan, Is it not Mugabe's tampering with the legal system which has realized this massive abuse of human rights...if everyone opted out of fighting Ian Smith in the Rhodesian bush war, there would have been no majority rule! There is a bigger picture would be crying about being persecuted by white people if many Africans didn't confront the evils of Smith, Russia lost millions of men until they extracted Hitler from a bunker...if you are not ready to face the worst stay out of Politics, even Mugabe spent 11 years in Smiths jail, his son died and he was not allowed to bury him...that is why Mugabe does what he wants he is determined fearless and knows fully well that you are a bunch of cowards!
Zuda Madhara

What can you say Tony after investing so much on Morgan.

The idea is not to put a blame on anyone. What I am saying is that Mugabe and Tsvangirai are not enemies at all. They laugh at each others joke and sometimes joking kuti mudharawa wakura, chimbondisiyirawo chigaro. They are not saints. Kuti akatadza hazvirevi kuti imi mose mopondana. Only certain individuals within his ranks ndiwo nyoka( except amai Mujuru and a few other). The new era yatawa is to have debates based on policies and ideologies and not kuchayana kunga makudo. If I do not like your policy thats me. Dont force me to accept your gay policies or devolution kak. Neither should I force you on minda kuvanhu policy and indegeneousation issues. Just debate why you say black pple cannot run mines. If the majority follows me then I win. Inga President vakataura wani parufu rwaVaMudenge. If they force you to run and attend their rallies, endai nekuti amongst some of us ZanuPF we have thick minded people just like MDC had the likes of uyu we MDC 99. Hapana pamba pasina benzi.
Jacques Marneweck

Gono, I must say, of all the Zanu people that post here you seem to be civilized. and Even after I read what you said I have no need in my hart to flame you. It is clear to me that you don't support Zanu thanks to hate, It's just because I am sure thanks to what you have seen and the people you interact with that you came to that conclusion. You probably got treated $&*% buy white people in the past and have seen events play of in a way that made Zanu look like they are the good guys that came to the rescue. and I know I could show you a 100 vids that show Zanu hording aid and selling Zimbabwe to the the Chinese and it wont change your mind. But I know its not because your a bad person you have just saw things from a different angle.

If we all started ignoring our personal hapiness because we have problems everyone would be in perpetual morbid depression.I personally remember certain people trying to convince me and my parents that i should not go watch movies in Zim because we were struggling financially to the point of vilification when I did go out.Who functions like that? Does Mugabe stop eating good food because his people are starving, he has problems of his cant expect the man to be surviving on sadza and boiled cabbage because the boys in the barracks are starving.Sex will still continue as a natural human function, go to Somalia...more and more kids are born.........if pubic hair is going to sprout at the early years of teen age...that is when its going to sprout-tibvirei apa! how many married men in financial trouble in Zim have decided not to f*ck their wives because they feel they don't deserve the pleasure of an orgasm as a result of their situation- to say my brother is in jail, so im not going to f*ck my wife? .The villain here is Mugabe and his partisan grip on the judicial system. When people were being butchered in SA during the Xenophobic attacks Mugabe did not even uttered a word but Morgan was there.......

I actually read this 3 times to try to understand your issue particulary as it relates to my post. Ndashaiwa nhanga nyaya. Its a few people like you who cause problem. Vanobvongodza muto to cause confusion. Chakanaka chakanaka mukaka haurungwi. MDC has many good polices and good people. My father and brothers are MDC but I am ZanuPF because ndakaoneswa nhamo nevarungu kudisapsora. We dont fight, but we obectivelly debate and sme of the time they win and I win in some issues. After that we drink and enjoy. Just like Welshman Ncube, he is a good guy in a wrong party. Same as Simba. ZanuPF we lack continuity but we have best policies. MDC is an opportunist party which took advantage due to politics of the stomach (during nation building things are tough). I hope you understand and you dont go viral.

"Now lemon faced Tsvangison is enjoying his honeymoon in England vamwe muri mujeri and your families dzichikwangwaya nenzara" You are Zanu because you were mishandled by whites in the diaspora?, Mugabe is just as much a devil as those people you refer to in the diaspora.You are the one who is confused...the MDC has good policies...but because some white guys hastled me in the diaspora....I am now voting for a party that has failed for 32 years....the reason why you were forced into the diaspora in the first place is because of Mugabes misrule...dont support this murderer and sociopath who murdered 20 000 people and counting...Mugabe has murdered more black people than whites...go get therapy, tibvire apa....
Zuda Madhara

Which MDC policies are you saying are good? Kukwirana ndiko unoti policies.

Psychopath Rhodie, just shut-up !

well said.

Rafiki haumuzivi here. Ndiye mukuru wevawawati pano. Iye nehama yake Joe Rug practice the MDC policy of speak/type first, think later. In fact, I doubt if they ever think at all. They forever defend the indefensible. However they are important for us sane ones. Ndiko kuti tinzwisise kuti "the democratic right" comes with responsibilities. Some claim the right but do not want the responsibility. If you want to vote, its your responsibility to know the facts and analyse them correctly. If any Zimbabwean does so, they will reach the conclusion that MDC and Tsvangirai are not fit for political office. Failing to reach that conclusion is a sign that one is not yet ready to be given the right to vote. Zanu has its faults and we must fix them but you don't chop your hand off because you have an itch.

You are not Zanu Pf. You are just pretenting yet you are an unhappy MDC supporter. Ukataura language yako iyi kuUMP vanokucheka malips iwayo. Real Zanu Pf pple never say MDC has good policies.

Ndopamunorasika anaNyikayaramba, inga Gono aedza kutsanangura wani kuti vanhu , musachekane miromo. Nyaya haisi pakuti ita zvandinoda iripafreedom of choice. Hakuna munhu anofanira kurovera mumwe kuti sei uchisupporta ZANU or MDC, thats the bottom, line. whether you are ZANU or MDC, it doesnt matter what matters is the policies and ideology that you sell to people like us undecided voters. I

Taura hako, we kill each, each for them to enjoy tea and recognition. We have to stop being foot soldiers.
If opinions of Rudechikala, Jukwa, and Amai jukwa would be translated into action, mutiny in Zimbabwe. Rude is busy x-raying and scanning comments, those that do not support Zanu are vigorously attacked by him or Jukwa and amai ululating. We are Zimbabweans, until and unless we attain political maturity we will not move an inch.

According to you & everyone in the MDC party, any one who asks you tough questions or puts you in your place is vigorously attacking you.

That is why we always hear you crying out as victims to anything & everything.

Politics my primitive friend is all about polls & tricks.

A poll is what a number of different people feel about any subject.]

You will never ever get the same opinion from them all & that is where the tricks come in.

It is sometimes referred to as 'Spin'.
Meaning shooting the other's ideas with facts, figures, examples, jokes & anything which exposes the idea or ideas as useless or not well thought through.

If we are succeeding in delivering that blow to you then you are losing the battle.

You're therefore not "victims" but losers.

You are not being attacked but simply being exposed lol!

Again...a masterstroke from you Cde. Chikala!! These immature political buffons need to know that poliTricks is a game for the wise, not for the novices that they are. Let them big guns do what they do best...and the rest get out of the way! Period.

What more can I say? What more can I say?

Universal franchise
Office tenure limitation
All parties constituency participation
Secret ballot

Above is true def of politics doesn't rhyme with the party you run away from in Zimbabwe and now spending 24/7 here waffling nonsense .Zanu pf doesn't know what politics is but outright nihilistic killers .

You really need to get off the high horse by purporting to be an analyst .Several users have highlighted this to you here.Every time you blog ,you are subjecting this platform with atrocious nonsense.

Iwe Hunter, enda unofa.
The more you criticise me the more ill post what will eat you up even more.
You have obviously taken time to try & intimidate me with your little well arranged poem because i struck a raw nerve in you.
Dont you see how ive managed to affect you all?'
That is the idea you novice text book student. Please keep the feedback coming...

Unsettled by a misguided parasite who doesn't know the price of milk or bread and spends 24/7,here pleaseeeeeeeee.

You are a glib serial liar ,from economics ,law and politics .Not even an ounce of common sense is ingrained in your brain.Rubbish after another .Daily .

Go and look for a J.O.B .A Jeeza ,Jeeza.And be responsible for once in your life since you come to England ,since fundo yakaramba. Ndosaka muchizopiwa vana vasiri venyu.This time Mukadzi is working her back side and you are here defending a washed up dictator .

Get off that high horse you underestimated your lower IQ .Zanu will never retain outright control of the parliament .The West wants him out and he will go .

They will continue fraustrating and stifling everything Zanuoids put their hands on .Muchapupa ,Ndoda ne technology ye ma Smartphone and YouTube .Click manipulate image and upload .Ma baboons e Zanu munomboziva kuti zvinoitwa sei zve technology ne ma petitions overseas known as pressure groups .

Yes my dear MDC is here to stay .Nekoko Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


foot soldiers for the bloody caucasoids!

Sorry there is no maturity in tolerating HUTENGESI !

Hanzi nhamo yemumwe hairambirwe sadza.

Sorry guys, I believe most of u r innocent, but still I think that ur persecution is a worthy sacrifice, so that ur boss, the ever so wise PM; His Sexcellency Morgan Richard Tsvangirai, can continue to enjoy life in $3m houses, on top of his Zanu pf wives, & honeymooning in UK even in cold weather.

Good one nhasi Bomber !

He is not saying he is voting for Zanu

Who does not know? Do you expect me to expect honey from a fly?
Gangarahwe Chimutsa

Rafique come to Zimbabwe tiverengane! Tavakutotanga izvozvi, come one december

Ibva apa....

Chimutsa urimhata chaiyo nhai?
Gangarahwe Chimutsa

Elma Sabundo

Amai zvangu ini kkkkkkkkk
Sipho Sibanda

For a change something sensible Bomber
Bob Zim

Mhondi kujeri

VanMukundi! just try to be realistic. People can be killed for the survival of the state and nothing will happen to the killers. Be reminded that only the state thru its various agents have the monopoly of applying violence. The agents are allowed to perpetrate violence for the survival of the state. It happens in any state whether democratic, monarchy or communist. Unfortunately your mates in this case where doing it against the state and not for the state and they will be punished by the state. U can shout, scream or even piss but this is the fact on the ground and cannot be changed by ur comments from the diaspora.
Matekenya Sabu Hainahurukuro

I say rest in peace to the late police officer, may his soul assist to let the truth come out.
Mbuya Nehanda

Love Smoking out rhodies anywhere. Hey CHIGUDO!!! good morning!! lol!!

I suspect the police inspector is only trying to instigate intra-party fighting within the MDC. He never sought to verify the claims of informants before pressing charges. The ZRP needs to occupy itself with real work to hunt down the real murderers who are most likely ZANU PF thugs and stop furtively meddling in partisan politics and soliciting for bribes.
Elma Sabundo

Last I checked another MDC buffoon threatened to kill Chamisa with lightning and it needs no Tsvangirai breaking his leg playing golf with his manhood to know that there's bitter inter- and intra-party fighting within the MDC ndoda nanaMakonese vakati zvavo zii izvezvi hohoho uchanzwa hako kana zvoputika lol.MDC causes chaos and mayhem in Zim but its not aired or published by these pale-controlled media outlets with an agenda hazvitaurwe.MDC are no saints in this dirtiest game of all time,These guys need to smoke out the culprits who killed the officer otherwise they're in for a nice high-jump and if Eliza and Tsvangson are promising to pardon them once in office then hehehehe regai ndiseke zvangu waSabundo.@Munhu weblack ndosaka Mapfumo akaimba "nyaya dzenyika Jojo chenjera" kkkkkkkk

Those MDC-T bandits must face the full wrath of the law. They must be made to feed on their own waste. A security officer was killed in cold blood by this vigilante MDC group and it robbed a family of its father, brother, and son. Please pay no attention to that wh.ooring Mthetwa and her dramatic posturing in court and just give all the 29 life behind the bars. Otherwise just send them to the gallows! We have no peace but endless violence in our midst because of these western sponsored stoogies.

Very true Comrade. Were Zimbabwe been the USA, these idiots would long back have been linched; BY THE POLICE. Killing a policeman on duty is just not acceptable there. And MDC T morons go to the market day in day out on the Rule of Law in Zimbabwe ?

Were Zimbabwe been the USA, the real culprits would by now have been arrested and charged (maybe thanks to CCTV), and the rest of innocent suspects released to go on with their lives. And who knows, were Zimbabwe been the USA, the real killers of Cain Nkala, Chiminya etc would have been found. Your comparison of Zimbabwe and USA is unfortunately not holding, and you just betrayed by your hatred of the MDC-T.

Saka you want to tell the whole wide -world kuti iwe wakafamba chaizvo kubva kwa,''Chozanazana-Chonanaila'' kwese ukoo, and discovered something called,''Closed Circuit Television'' ? Ndizvo here nayi amunawe?

Now let me tell you what would would have happened to those black n!gger, mo-rucker, MDC T friends had they ever had the misfortune of ever being accused of killing a policeman (black or white but slightly worse in the latter case) in the States. By now they would have been arraigned before a specially selected all-white, mostly male jury, been found guilty as charged and sentenced to an appointment with the Lethal-Injectionman and would if lucky still been on the waiting-list, if not already departed for the here-after.

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