
Saturday, November 03, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) MDC-T official, wife brutally attacked

COMMENT - Anyone can put on bandanas. This is pure propaganda into the run-up of the 2013 elections. The MDC are working their way up to a position that their great backer the USA can claim that elections 'were not free and fair' and were 'held in a climate of fear and political violence' so they can continue their economic sanctions when Morgan Tsvangirai loses. They want the diamonds.

MDC-T official, wife brutally attacked
02/11/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

THE MDC-T said Friday its treasurer for Midlands North, John Kinnaird and wife, Jackie, had been hospitalised with severe injuries after being attacked by suspected Zanu PF youths at their Kadoma home.

In a statement, the party said the Kinnairds were attacked with wheel spanners and metal rods Wednesday evening by four youths wearing Zanu PF bandanas after they gained entry into their home through the kitchen door.
The youths then made off with US$2,000 cash and two mobile phones.

“According to medical reports on the two, John, 56, sustained multiple head wounds, which required 14 stitches. His right arm was also fractured and has deep puncture wounds on his legs and one just below his throat, as well as injuries across his back,” the party said.

“Jackie, 47, has a bruised throat where she was grabbed by the youth and a compound fracture of her left arm and it requires immediate surgery.”

The attack was reported to the police but no arrests have been made.

“The MDC strongly condemns the barbaric attacks on its official and his wife as they are politically motivated,” the party said.

“It is of great worry that the attacks come at a time when there is the heavy presence of an illegal Zanu PF militia outfit, Al-Shabab that is causing terror in Kwekwe and surrounding areas.

“As a party, the MDC calls upon the police to urgently investigate the matter and bring the culprits to book.”

Both President Robert Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai have called for an end to violence as the country heads for new elections next year.

Mugabe has indicated that fresh polls could be held in March to replace his coalition government with Tsvangirai.




COPIED FROM A CURRENT KADOMA RESIDENT WHO POSTED THIS IN RESPONSE TO THE SAME STORY ON ANOTHER NEWS WEBSITE > If this had been arranged by ZANU PF the laptops would have been the first to go, because they are a source of intelligence about the MDC T activities and funding, and there would have been no traces whatsoever left behind. This was not stage managed by MDC T either, its a simple straight forward house breaking and robbery by criminals who are smart enough to know that attempting to sell a stolen laptop / DSTV decoder / or Blackberry handset on the black market is as good as laying a clear trail for the ZRP to follow. The targeting of affluent members of society in Kadoma by criminals in such a manner has become more and more frequent in the area, if one goes to the local sports club they are most likely to find a couple of the well off citizens learning and training in self defence techniques; this is a direct result of the increase in this type of robbery. Its not politically motivated at all, if the white couple were subjected to racial abuse during the robbery it is most likely in reaction to their (whites) persistence in using the K word which never fails to infuriate even the least literate of blacks. Ever since the korokozas were disenfranchised by the police there has been a steady rise in violent crime in and around Kadoma, the citizenry suspect these young men to be responsible. Kadoma used to be very safe 24/7. This is not a politically motivated incident at all and the story is very misleading and alarmist

very angry

A leopard will never change it's spots.Mugabe & your Zanu-pf?What a shame & you make me sick!!!!!

A skunk will also never change its stink. Tsvangirai and your MDC? What a spoof & you make me laugh!!!

no connection

Forgive him pls ,there is something in the waters at Zanu pf headquaters which makes them idiots.

lol.thank you

Chisingaperi chinoshura. ZANU reign is coming to an end.

If wishes were horses...........

Interesting. Is it a strategy to divert attention from Tsvangirai's problems and his sudden riches? The narration of what happened suggests that this was just a robbery. There is nothing to suggest this has anything to do with politics. People may get robbed irrespective of their political affiliations. But interestingly, for some people, if some MDC-T official is robbed then ZANU PF has to be involved.

I have been watching MDC-t strategies for a while, & every time Tsvangirai's Open Zip & Shut Mind policy discredits the party; Biti's dura wall gets bombed, he recieves a bullet in an envelop, their party activists get attacked or robbed, & the other time they claimed a party activist scalded by Zanu pf hooligans with oil belonged to them when he actually belonged to MDC-N.
What happened to this official & his wife is unfortunate, but still I believe it had nothing to do with politics, & if indeed it was political I would bet it was the Harvest House militia that attacked these people to make us forget about Locardia, as all recorded acts of MDC-T violence involve iron bars/ metal rods (starting from the attacks on Trudy Steveson 2005 to the attacks 2011 on an election agent in a Byo party election( by Khuphe's driver & 2 others ))
This is just the MDC-t doing some damage-control.

The originator of the article, "Collen Makumbirofa is a political activist campaigning for change in Zimbabwe".
Joe Rug

So what???
Zuda Madhara

She is Hutu-minded. That is what caused genocide in Rwanda, especially when this information is given to people like you Joe Rug who do not have time to make some critical analysis of themselves, you simply take it hook, line and sinker and you go ballistic for something that's totally unscientifically proven.

Zuda Madhara

Sure. I bet my last dollar on this.
Zuda Madhara

The mere fact the attackers where wearing ZANU PF bandanas makes it suspicious already. Surely no fool would put on their identifying clothes to commit a robbery. In most case if you find yourself fighting a burgler in full police uniform then you know that there might be a police victim who has been attacked in order for his uniform to be used in the robbery. The wearing of ZANU PF bandanas was clearly a calculated move do disguise the robbers here. If I were Mr Kinnair, I would set aside this political labels business and tell the police to start their investigations internally. This has the whole mark of an internal job. Domestic aides telling their colleagues that there is money in the house and where it can be found, then followed by people sitting down to draw up a strategy - in this case it was simple - Mr Kinnaird is MDC-T so why not just wear ZANU PF bandanas and pounce - everyone in the politically polarised and gullible nation will then rush to blame politicians, probably with politicians themselves starting some deadly accusations - giving the thieves a leeway and time to plan another attack - this time maybe on a ZANU PF person wearing MDC-T bandanas or regalia whatever. My advice is simple - people should learn to scrutinise situations without rushing to politics and isolate these robbers who are capable of victimising anyone regardless of political affiliation. There are a lot of robbers waiting for elections to commit crimes knowing that they can always get away in this politics crazy country. And newspapers should do their bit by not stoking political fires any time without trying to analyse situations - its journalistic negligence and laziness. Newspapers should help the police uncover these culprits by practicing investigative journalism not this arm-chair matter-of-fact yet potentially dangerous journalism.

no u wrong, the wearing of zanu bandanas makes them immune from being arrested since zpf=zrp and zanu intelligence c.i.oz are masters in Reverse psychology. why would they live valuable items and jus take money? u don't have 2 defend zanu dirty tricks lest u eating with the devils.....

Border Gezi.
Kwekwe pests.
Farms mayhem
Millions in diaspora

Violence is Zanu pf's anatomy ,they cannot afford to be civil ,eversince killing Tongogara ,they will be finished .We knew this was coming ,but not when.So please don't patronize this fora with incoherent misguided copious balderdash .Your propanganda works on ZBC and Herald platforms ,not here .We will challenge you and punch big holes in your lies.

We warned Tsvangirayi about a need to reform mechanisms to counterbalance Zanu thugs and yet he assured Zimbabweans ,elections will be free and fair this time .Not a chance with Zanu .

true dat bro, they have no better way of dealing with opponents except through violence, every1 knows dis shit but there some who jus playin dumb or agents eating with tha zpf devils

Am sure if you look at the pictures, surely one may not suggest it was a robbery. This is sick. Chete Mugabe inhingiri kini saka not surpised......

True, because zanupf usually wear MDC regalia to make it look like MDC has done it. But in this case, the attackers are well know zanupf thugs so your story turns to c r a p. But keep trying
Zuda Madhara

I am glad you know that ZANU PF usually wear MDC regalia. I might just be right then as there is nothing that can stop a robber from wearing ZANU PF regalia to take advantage. It shows there is credence in my caution. I am a scientist and believe in things that can be scientifically proven as opposed to some probabilistic opportunities. I stand by my theory that these people were robbed by people well known to those who know them - it is an inside job. Try it today by counting loads of cash in your home, then sending your maid to go and put it in some drawer in your bedroom - you will surely have some visitations from robbers except if you are not a politician they will not disguise themselves as supporters but boy will they beat the crap out of you.

Zuda,you are no scientist- someone that simple?scientist-you?no
Zuda Madhara

That is your opinion. Why should I care as if I get paid by you. As long as my salary says so I don't care a bit what you say - it's of no significance at all, unless if I were expecting my pay check from you. My good life goes on while your head is stuck in sand and the next time you decide to extrapolate it you or your child will be working for me.

Zuda ,you have a devious mind ,that is how come you know these things.You are ZANU for sho
Zuda Madhara

Is there any problem with being a ZANU PF supporter. I would not expect that to be from someone purporting to be a democrat. You find solace in supporting MDC and you expect everyone to do so, yet you still have the audacity to call yourself a democrat? God help you. Accept my choice of affiliation just as I accept yours. Simples. We cannot all be MDC-T - that will be dictatorship. Innit?

as much as we love it and praise every little positive thing that comes out of it, zimbabwe remains a very dangerous place.

Noways Babazala, read the posting that I have copied from a current Kadoma resident that I have pasted elsewhere on this website; this was a straight forward robbery and we need not politicise it at all, because ZANU PF functionaries have fallen victim to the same thing in Kadoma. Infact making a big issue of this particular incident actually shows a bias and overt concern for white folks only, this has happened to other prominent non-ZANU PF blacks in Kadoma and there has been less fuss than this, are their properties and lives of less value then? Zim is not a dangerous place at all at this point in time, maybe at election time next year yes, but then I live in Byo and those shennanigans never happen here so ....You have a duty to continue loving and promoting the interests of Zimbabwe..... you have no other choice there Babazala

This is a very likely story from these western puppets. Why would zanu pf youths put on zanu pf bandanas knowing very well that they will be identified? These Rhodesians were mugged by common criminals, probably MDC-T, who knew that they keep cash at home. They are just trying to sensationalise this issue seeing that elections are just around the corner! GO BACK TO F*&^ing UK and spare us the rubbish.

do zanu sponsor violence and terror attacks? jus a simple question

The story is so faulty and so foolish that even the foolishest fool in MDC will not be fooled into refocussing his attention from his boss' foolish theatrics.

Dont you think its the high time you take a rest from this forum? It appears you are becoming foolish yourself.

Anyone who believes that this criminal thuggish behaviour has anything to do with politics is severelystupid! It's even more suspect that whenever talks of impending elections begin, something brutal ALWAYS happens to MDC supporters ONLY. Observation: this MDC pre-emptive tactic has lost credibility and so outdated. It simply will not work. For all we know, this case is a pure act of thievery perfectly planned and executed (by overzealous MDC supporters), i.e. to make it appear political, thereby implicating ZPF in the process. Only fools will believe anything. MDC is finished..... Nonsense!!!

Interesting. Is it a strategy to divert attention from Tsvangirai's problems and his sudden riches? The narration of what happened suggests that this was just a robbery. There is nothing to suggest this has anything to do with politics. People may get robbed irrespective of their political affiliations. But interestingly, for some people, if some MDC-T official is robbed then ZANU PF has to be involved.
Zuda Madhara

OK I responded to posts elsewhere on this article, now my contribution - Can anyone tell me why any time a black person is attacked and robbed in Zimbabwe the attackers are quickly labelled criminals while in the case of a white man attacked the attackers are quickly labelled ZANU PF? Has anyone with a detailed mind like mine noticed this? And what more each time a black family is attacked the crime is not debated except some people saying they are sorry and siding with criminals saying it is because of hardship brought by ZANU but if a white man is attacked people go hysteria accusing ZANU PF of attacking these whites? I am afraid that MDC-T shall or will unwittingly put the lives of our fellow white citizens and brethren at stake in order to gain political expedience. I might be wrong and I stand to be corrected but politics, being a game laden with opportunists and very, very greed people, participants herein should guard their backs for being used in a dangerous way; especially our white folks as their plight is deemed a quick sale for generous donations from fellow whites in the Western world. That is my warning to fellow white citizens you should appreciate that you are a hot commodity and thus you should stop taking things for granted.

Masked threats won't work,Zuda ,come into my house and try your ZANU tricks on me- don't say you weren't warned-let's say ,you will be surprised t say the least

Inside job this is- Gukurahundi offsprings at work!


How many Zimboz/Africans have been the victims of thieves?
Many, right?

There are some who still foolishly delude themselves that the blood of whites are precious and that of Africans not so much. Only those ignoramuses would want to delude others that this case is special. NOT!

In any event, if one finds thieves on one's properties, how are they usually treated? Are the invading thieves usually given gifts or punishment?

ALL whites in Zim are INVADING THIEVES!
The consequences for invasion and thievery are never pleasant; so best to vacate the properties of Africans and surrender African loot..

The fact that violence by Zanu PF thugs has always been condorned by the police makes it easier for anyone to commit a crime while wearing Zanu regalia and they know that police won't hunt for them. This is what happens in any state where lawlwssness has been deliberated. where the full might of the law is applied , its always to the wrong and undesrving innocent people. Perpetrators walk scott free in the street while the innocent languish and rot ibn Jail. Gushungo tichakubata chete. Your days are numbered. The blood of the innocent shall speak!!!!

Zvatanga...and its game on..all the bloody way to elections...vekwedu vazvimbirwa nemakeke..vakanganwa kutivarikurwa hondo..vuka madhoda!

Dear Editor - Why won't you publish the horrific pictures? Are you scared your bosses might not like it? If anyone would like to see them, go zimbabwecrisis dot org

Ndeyeropa for sure.

ELECTIONS TIME!......The Zanu thugs are sharpening their knives!
jacques marneweck

Mugabe, teaches children to steal rob and rape. He sees no wrong in this actions never does his supporters.
Joe Rug

Zimbabwe is not yet ready for elections.The ex-majority party is blood thirsty & survives on killing.Think twice Morgan.No elections next year.
Iswi tolowa koga.

Lets here andsee what will BoB do or say about this.

Anyone who believes this silly story just proves why we have fools who worship idiots like Tsvangirai & Mukandiwana in Zimbabwe.
We have some grown up fools who will believe any nonsense as long as it accuses ZanuPF of any bullshit.
Even the foreign media which these stories are created for dont buy these crap stories.
Instead, these varungus should be arrested for making a false report.
As treasurer, he could also be attempting to hide monies he has stolen but of course he would get away with it because his party is run by more fools.

The bottom line is people were beaten, and those who did it should be arrested. Whether they are MDC, ZANU or non-aligned, the bottom line is they should be beaten.
Zuda Madhara

Who should be beaten here? The victims? Am surprised really.

You know what he means you simpleton

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