
Sunday, November 04, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) Reveal source of US$20m, Mugabe told

Reveal source of US$20m, Mugabe told
03/11/2012 00:00:00
by Gilbert Nyambabvu

COALITION parties have demanded that President Robert Mugabe explain the source of the US$20 million used to finance an agricultural input scheme the Zanu PF leader launched in Harare Saturday.

Said to have been financed by “well-wishers”, the scheme is expected to give free agriculture inputs to some 800,000 households across the country.

But the programme, launched as parties get into camapign mode for crucial elections next year, appears to have cheesed-off Zanu PF’s rival.

Senior MDC official and Education Minister, David Coltart said Mugabe should reveal the identity of ‘well-wishers” funding the scheme, adding it was surprising the Zanu PF leader could raise such amounts when the government could only find US$8 million for education this year.

“Zimbabweans have a right to know who the "well-wishers" are and where their money comes from. Is it clean? Parallel governance at its worst,” Coltart wrote on his Facebook wall.

“These are not small amounts of money. In context of total money allocated to education (US$8,1 million to date) this is a huge inputs fund.

"The source of the inputs fund may be legitimate but Zimbabweans will only know that if President is candid about its source. Transparency!”

Mugabe launched the scheme at his Zanu PF party’s headquarters in the capital, lending credence to claims by rivals that the programme was a campaign gimmick ahead of next year's polls.

Zanu PF’s coalition partners accuse the party of skimming off revenues from Marange diamond mining to finance a “parallel government” as well as build a war chest for the elections.

Mugabe is insisting new polls must be held in March to end the shaky coalition government which he describes as unworkable and illegal.

And on Saturday, the Zanu PF leader was clearly in campaign mode, attacking the coalition administration and the MDC-T – which runs the Finance Ministry – for failing to fund agriculture, the mainstay of the country’s economy.

He said: “This animal (inclusive Government) wants to eat, but when we say the food comes from farming, the other side (MDC) says they are inca­pable, but the Zanu PF side continues to say we should farm, we should get inputs.

“How is this animal supposed to survive? How is the nation supposed to survive? Are you (MDC) not getting this message?

“They say we don’t have money, but they are the ones in charge of the Finance Ministry. Hatina mari, hatina mari. Saka hatina mari, hatina mari, ihurumende yerudziyi? Hatina mari, naizvozvo hatina fertiliser, naizvozvo hatigone kurima.

“If it were a Zanu PF Gov­ernment without these other partners, do you think you can tell that to the people? A gov­ernment can dare not say we have no money to give people to grow food for the country.
“We can’t say that. We must have the capacity even to borrow. No government does without borrowing from others.”

Zanu PF has accused Finance Minister Tendai Biti of failing to help re-capiltaise the Grain Market Board (GMB) resulting in farmers failing to be paid for grain deliveries. Mugabe also said fertiliser companies were threatening to "sabotage" the new agriculture season because they had not been paid for previous supplies.

"The fertiliser pro­ducers do not have the fertilisers (and) it is not because they are failing to produce the fertiliser, but they have folded their arms say­ing the Govern­ment should first pay for sup­plies that we gave it last year,” Mugabe said.

“They are saying we do not have money to continue production. Besides, if our credit has not been repaid, what good is it to supply more fertiliser? That is the way they have seen it.”

Finance Minister Tendai Biti has previously denied underfunding agriculture, insisting support for the sector has, in fact, increased over the tenure of the coalition administration.

And speaking at a pre-budget meeting in Victoria Falls Saturday, Biti he added: “Government will soon pay everything that it owes to farmers. Over the past few months Government has provided US$52 million.

“As of today, we are have paid US$20 million to seed and fertiliser companies and by the time we present the budget on November 15, we would have paid everything that we owe. We have also given US$5 million to Agribank for this sum­mer cropping season.”



Mari Kuvanhu Imi moda kuti ataure mozotema hama dzake nemasanctions. Thata what IMF did at one point Mugabe paid the outstanding amount they wanted and as soon as they did that more a sanction list came out

spot on!

And how does the MDC-T expect to remove Mugabe if he spends some of his loot on 800 000 voters & Tsvangirai spends his loot on Zanu pf women who will never vote for him even in his wildest dreams .... (I know this is gonna break some MDC hearts; but still someone has to say it as it is)

not that i agree with some of the facts you say BUT i like your sense of humour

ha ha ha ...even if F*ckmore was to bang 10 more women ...i would still NOT vote for ZANU..they have had 32 years to get their act together...which is not what they are doing.....this 20million will just be carelessly cast..without any proper accountable programme put in place, the stuff purchased will surface on the black market.Mugabe believes in wanton borrowing and free flights and not paying bills...i will vote for Morgan any time , and if he dissapoints will vote for someone going backwards......the spotlight is on Morgan and no one else...if it was on everyone we would see them cockroaches and hypocrites
Zuda Madhara

But a lot of people will vote for ZANU PF. That shows the vanity of MDC-T and its supporters.
Grace Jones

Stop belittling the very important questions raised by Coltart by joking about Tsvangirai. nxaa. deflecting attention to zanupf looting at its best. Where did the money come from?
Zuda Madhara

I thought looting is when money is used to benefit individuals not ordinary people. This money is being used to benefit ordinary people - poor farmers who will surely appreciate this gesture. MDC and especially Coltart has been caught wrong-footed here. I respect him very much but questioning why poor people are benefiting - I cannot understand it. What is he for? That Mugabe should have misused these funds by converting them to his own use and when the Chinese come into the open about the funds we would turn again and cry foul? Confusing. This is what politicians are there for, innit.

Good sense of humour!

haha best comment from you in a while.
ludandu maseko

one wonders whether this hullaballoo abt revealing sources of funds will also be directed to other parties. Facts are all the three GNU parties get external funding, only that one of them uses it for the betterment of the majority whereas others use theirs fo self-aggrandisement such as paying for sexual gaffes.

By the way, the other party (ZANU(PF)) uses more than $40million of public funds to finance an 88 year old ancestor to go for medical checkups and useless conferences so that the Minister of Finance gets little in the national budget. But hold on...Tsvangirai paid $280 000 to his ex-lady of the night..but compare this to $40million paying foreign doctors! Not only that, national resources are now being sold back door and instead of the money going to Treasury, it is kept by a millitary cabal for use in building a useless millitary college (at a time when roads have potholes or drumholes) and also to give the ancestor $20million to finance useless agricultural propaganda. If agriculture is vaible, why is it that 10 yrs after grabbing free land the said farmers still rely on government? Shouldnt these farmers be paying tax now to government and not the other way round? Why is the government not just taking over all farming activities if they have to provide capital every year? And why are fertilizer companies waiting for government money? Can't they sell their produce to SA or Namibia etc and thus bringing foreign currency if they realize that there is no domestic demand? Thats what happens when a country is run by a useless 88 year old ancestor who reasons like a 5 year old kid ...even the propaganda becomes so childish.

Well said Maputi, well said.
Zuda Madhara

Tsvangirayi will be better off-the-hook had he used his 'donated' money for his health not sexual escapades. Nothing will atone Tsvangirayi's sin!

So saka right now,urikutozvirova dundundu uchiti you have contributed something meaningful.Grow up

i m badly, if dutifully, waiting for LIFE and his/her ALLIES to shit so that I begin working -that's the dictate of division of labour.

Recently I had a conversation with friends over the up coming election. While we agreed that both parties are bad, we also wondered one thing, Does MDC really want to win the election?? if you ask me I think not, that's why they went in and looted while they could. Seriously is it that hard to lie to your citizens and act upright for a couple of years, fix the government get the peoples trust that you are better than ZANU then win the election? Donors provide free money,and lots of it, zimbabwe on the other hand is broke. MDC wants to be an opposition party for as long as possible. Tsvangirai got a book deal, that might be where he got his money from :/

Then again given that Tsvangirai can afford to spend over $1 million in a single year, Im surprised that the MDC is demanding that ZANU PF should reveal their sources when they can clearly do the same as a party.They just dont want to its too lucrative to be an opposition party
Zuda Madhara

Spot on. I also pointed this out before that anti-Mugabe has become a billion dollar industry, everyone is praying for God to prolong Mugabe's rule as long as possible while they make money from gullible donors.

The money is too little , the timing is too late in the season but the news is welcome to us farmers all the same. The news cannot be good news to evicted settler farmers and their MDC puppets

Now where is the US$219 million to hold elections going to come from when US$20 million is being made a big issue. There is money in Zimbabwe but the only problem is that some of these nincompoops in government abuse it by doing things that benefit themselves & not the nation.

David Coltart should instead reveal to us what the MDC is doing for Zimbabweans.

The US$20 million injected into the agricultural input scheme is not Mugabe's personal money & he was not paying settlements to women but launching a programme to help Zimbabweans. This is a party programme & that is why it was launched at the party headquarters & not in lawyers' offices.
The agricultural input scheme is a party programme funded by party funds.

Education is a government department & not a ZanuPF department. Its David Coltart's responsibility to draw up a budget & it is Biti's responsibility to give him that money.
Why should he blame Zanu or Mugabe for money Biti wont pay his ministry?

Despite the millions donated to the party, the MDC party held its own humanitarian event a few weeks ago when Elizabeth donated some bags of Matemba worth US$5000.00.Where are the MDC putting their party funds? Did David Coltart ever wonder where the US$5000 came from & what is happening to the rest of donated millions to his party?

If ZanuPF is buying votes, why dont the MDC also buy votes by doing something for Zimbabweans?

All they know is how to criticise what ZanuPF is doing without offering alternatives.

Zimbabweans are not as stupid as these people think. They know who is doing what they promise & who is doing too much talking with no action or results.

If Ian Smith were alive today-one wonders what his thoughts would be on the governance of our great country?somebody,anybody?your thoughts please,even you junkwi,what say you,how weak is it that black Africans so oppOse each other in their own country,that they can't even see that they themselves are the actual problems.

Gono's unaccounted for $23million missing agriculture spending mooted by both parties .Reasons why he is still stone walling ,3 million for Zanu thugs .Gono life is now safe ,Manheru and pfambi Moyo not .If they had done their work properly Zanu doesn't enjoy popularity in places like Harare or cities for that matter .Even before MDC inception .

CHIKALA ,that is not a Zimbabwean by far but Zambian.Leave that Harahwa Mugabe with us we are going to put pepper in his eyes but voting against him .

Who is you papa?,Chiefs name or SABHUKU,CHIKALA if you claim to be a true son of the soil.

How can he when Mugabe is running a side the MDC's expense
Zuda Madhara

MDC has shown that they too have funds to run their own side show, unfortunately they chose to use these funds to fund their sexual fantasies for ZANU PF women and incest with their nieces. Our ZANU PF lady, Elizabeth recently showed them the way to go by buying groceries for MDC-T families whose husbands are in jail.At that time his dimwit husband was busy signing a six figure cheque for a single lady he had abused and found himself dragged by his balls to the court of law for justice to take its course
Hondo ye Chimurenga

Tsvangirai the source of £150000 you doled out to Locadia

farmers must just take the inputs and show him the middle finger at elections, is he trying to be robin hood?
Zuda Madhara

That is exactly why you are talking of Robin Hood in this century. He was and still is a hero among the poor and so is Mugabe - this is your fear and you know it. No-one will erase Mugabe's heroism among among the poor black people of Zim. He did the unthinkable - stripping the British of their ill-gotten loot and distributing it to the dispossessed and downtrodden poor blacks. You need to have balls of steel to do that, not those rubbery stuff of yours mate.

Hahaha tibvirei apo at leat he is giving it to the peopl why don't you ask Morgan kuti ake mamillion aikupa vakadzi vake arikumuwana kupi. You want him to disclose his well wishers so you can put them on the sanctions list Hamunyare nhai
Joe Rug

Take the money,Vote for MDC during elections.No need to worry!!
Zuda Madhara

Maybe Joe Rug you are another one of Tsvangirayi's side-kick giving him your backside when ZANU PF ladies run shot for him

you really like MDC

Tsvangirai explain source of £150000

He won numerous international prices for human rights. They are worth millions.

human rights ? seems like he is now loosing it all to woman rights ....

The MDC is full of buffoons who are busy lining their own pockets. It is clear Zanu is fleecing off Marange diamonds but they won't say nothing to keep their interests. How can they run a government if they are not in control of the country's resources, let alone the army and the police? Meanwhile, the bloviating gorilla goes about promising free and fair elections when he has no means of control. Yesteryear he hid at the Danish or was it the Dutch embassy? So, what has changed now? The truth is MDC has took the country backwards. Time for real leaders to stand up and be counted.

Of course what can you expect to hear from a devoted Selous Scout. We are keeping mercenaries in our midst. Zimbabwe wake up. These people are cameleons. Listen to the the way they devide and try to rule us. Ivhu nderevatema. Coltart should just SHUT UP!!!!!!!!

Good luck to Coltart in his quest to get answers. But my guess to Coltart's question is that the soils of Chiadzwa are the well wishers and most likely, no single family from the area will benefit from the ZANU PF scheme.

It was on 28 March 2013 at Harvest House when MDC-T decided to hold a mock voting exercise in a bid to instil social etiquet to the so called first family of the opposition.Upon casting their ballot papers Eli n Morgi they followed each and every step of the voting exercise.Then came the opening of the ballot box for the only two casted votes,surprisingly! One vote was for MDC-T and the other was for ZANU PF.Mukadzi nemurume vanhu ava but they voted differently.They started accusing each other wavhotera pasipo!wavhotera pasipo!now at each other's throught.Now fuming,Morgi started his crammed rants"What I want to tell Eli today!If you don't go peacifully!I will remove you violently!The Secretary General had to intervene to seperate the two Eli being the loudest ,"I had voo sorry sorry let me repeat that again, I voted for you my husband."Morgi on the other hand was now trying to act like a gentleman saying "I trust you my wife pamwe ndini nekuti Inclusive Government yangayonakidza.Anyways handiti tinayowo mumba medu futi?"
Joe Rug

Nonsense..Enda kuchikoro..
Zuda Madhara

Ndicho chikoroka ichi. This is creativity at its best

We all know who we dealing with, this is just money looted somewhere 4 campaigning but if nothing is done 2 bring these criminals 2 justice, no 1 can stop their looting. MDC should have never backed down on the issue of appointing their own as a minister of home affairs, not as a deputy, this way we could have a good start in investigating all zpf corruptible wealth
jacques marneweck

$8 Million for education that is only like a dollar per child for the whole year! poor kids :(

Good question Coltart. Is the money clean? Is it from the west or the east? Its OK if they are zunupf well-wisher, and all hell will break loose if they are MDC/MDC-T well-wishers!

this money is definately from obert mpofu, marange money , be careful with this guy
max moyo

Mugabe you are full of it!


Pamberi neZanu(pf)
Aluta continua.

This money came from Bobs personal loot of stolen money . This is pocket change for him and yet fools running around on empty stomachs and no underwear are willing to kill for him , shame !!!
Henry jacobs

This is what happens when you try and practice true Democracy. People should understand that Democracy in its purest form does not work and they have to understand that Zimbabwe is a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC not a DEMOCRACY. i will come back to this point later, Mugabe tries to fix Agriculture through party funds, the dogs howl about Education. He tries to fix Ministry of Defence, the dogs Howl about roads.....this is why democracies dont work. In governence there is alway going to be a segment of the populace thats unhappy about the decisions of we change gvmt and the direction everytime someone is unhappy about gvmnt choosing one agenda isuue over another? Nothing will ever get accomplished,,,,we did land reform, thats done now lets fix Defence then Agriculture then infrastructure etc. If we listen to this son of a w.hooring pa.le homoosex.ual succubus, then we won't get anywhere.....we will be mired in endless politicking. If you want money for education go to Biti...thought you guys lived in the same house (M..D..C). Or better still, just get customarily married to Tswangi-nyoro then sue him for lifestyle degredation after he marries another whoor.e. l hear he gives out cash to his harem like its going out of style...which begs the question....should he not reveal the source of his "prrostytute fund" , in the spirit of transparency and all that...

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