
Thursday, November 01, 2012

PFC condemns UPND cadres' attack of journalists

PFC condemns UPND cadres' attack of journalists
By Fridah Nkonde
Thu 01 Nov. 2012, 14:00 CAT

PRESS Freedom Committee of The Post chairperson Leah Kabamba has appealed to political leaders to keep their cadres in check and sensitise them on the need to refrain from violence, including violence against journalists.

In a statement condemning the attack on ZNBC journalists outside police headquarters by UPND cadres on Monday, Kabamba described the harassment of Brian Mwale and Gerald Singwa as unfortunate. The UPND cadres harassed the duo on alleged lack of fair coverage of the UPND by ZNBC. Kabamba expressed concern at the continued harassment of journalists.

"This is a serious affront to press freedom and if left unchecked, Zambia's ranking with regards freedom of the press will continue to slip. Brian and Gerald were simply carrying out their jobs when the cadres threw pan bricks at them, banged on their vehicle and hurled insults at them. Had it not been for the quick action of the police, the duo could have sustained serious injuries," Kabamba said.

She said journalists had an option to blackout people who perpetrated hooliganism. Kabamba stated that it had taken Zambia 48 years to get to where it was today, although the road to destruction through violence could take a shorter period and should therefore not be entertained.

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