
Friday, November 09, 2012

Rev Matale urges Sata to stop 'wrangles' among govt officials

Rev Matale urges Sata to stop 'wrangles' among govt officials
By Kombe Chimpinde
Fri 09 Nov. 2012, 14:00 CAT

ZAMBIANS are not interested in wrangles of people jostling for political positions but in the development of the country, says CCZ.

CCZ secretary general said in a pastoral letter issued on Wednesday that Zambians were Reverend Suzanne Matale interested in seeing proper and long-lasting development in the nation as promised before the elections in September last year.

"We continue to see concentration on the well-being of the leaders rather than the led. The leadership wrangles, in full view of the nation, perpetuated by very senior members of government are an indicator of lack of vision, insight and discipline in the government ranks," Rev Matale said.

She appealed to President Michael Sata to bring the perceived wrangles among government officials to an immediate stop so that energies of government officials are expended on developing the country.
Rev Matale said CCZ was however concerned with the direction the government was leading the country.

"...the government has set itself to repeat all the things that the Zambians said they did not appreciate in the previous governments. This trend is a threat to the aspiration of the Zambian people who had hoped to see new dispensations, new ideologies, new work ethics, new values and new focus on the improvement of the lives of the people," she said.

Rev Matale also noted growing tendency by the PF government to use the same language used over the years by MMD to intimidate Zambians during the elections or to frighten the electorate into submission.

This was in reference to remarks by President Sata in Mufumbwe ahead of yesterday's by-election where he stated that the PF would not bring development to the area if their candidate Steven Masumba was not voted for.

"Many people in Zambia contribute to the national resource basket in terms of paying all kinds of taxes and therefore whether they vote for one party or another, they are all entitled to development because they are all Zambians. Governance issues are not the same as party issues," she stated.

She said government's role was to develop the country on behalf of all Zambians and urged politicians to take note that all people had the right to freely elect leaders of their choice as this was their constitutional right.

And CCZ also appealed to the Anti Corruption Commission to appeal the case in which former human resource officer at Ministry of Health, Henry Kapoko, has been acquitted of charges of theft by public servant worth K1.9 billion.

But chief government spokesperson Kennedy Sakeni yesterday said the government had no hand in the decisions of the Judiciary in the dispensation of justice.
In a statement yesterday, Sakeni said that it was unfortunate for the CCZ to doubt government's commitment to the fight against corruption following the acquittal of Kapoko and eight others over corruption charges.

"It is therefore advisable that stakeholders desist from politicising court decisions, but follow the due process of the law in seeking amends where it is deemed necessary," said Sakeni.

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