
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sata appoints Clive Chirwa as Zambia Railways CEO

Sata appoints Clive Chirwa as Zambia Railways CEO
By The Post
Thu 15 Nov. 2012, 13:40 CAT

President Michael Sata has appointed Professor Clive Chirwa as Zambia Railways Limited Chief Executive Officer. Prof. Chirwa replaces Mr. Knox Karima, who has been retired in national interest.

"I have deemed it appropriate and opportune to appoint you Chief Executive Officer of Zambia Railways Limited. Your appointment is with immediate effect for a period of five (5) years," read President Sata's letter to Prof. Chirwa in part.

The Head of State stated that the rail line has deteriorated beyond description during the concession to Railway Systems of Zambia, which the Government recently terminated.

"Millions of tonnes of both our imports and exports which should have been transported by rail were diverted to road transport in the process exerting a very severe toll on our roads. The costs to the economy has been and is unsustainable," President Sata stated.

President Sata further stated that it would take a lot of effort to sort out the country's rail line including the inter-mine rail, which is so critical to the efficiency of the mining sector.

"However, I have confidence in your ability to use your vast reservoir of knowledge to help our country to revamp the railway network that results in a rail system that will create the necessary economic impetus," President Sata stated.

"Government has taken a positive move in this direction by allocating K640 billion for the rehabilitation of the rail line."

Meanwhile, President Sata has given former Zambia Railways Limited Chief Executive Officer Mr. Knox Karima a one month notice in which to facilitate a smooth hand-over to the incoming Chief Executive Officer.
The President has thanked Mr. Karima for the services rendered during his tenure of office.

Prof. Chirwa is a distinguished Professor of Automotive & Aerospace Structures and Chair of Automotive & Aerospace Engineering. He is also Editor-in-Chief of The International Journal of Crashworthiness and Advisor to UK, Australia, USA, EU, Japan, Canada and Singapore Gov. on Trans Safety among many other internationally recognised credentials and achievements.

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