
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sata has shamed critics - Katele

Sata has shamed critics - Katele
By Ernest Chanda
Sat 24 Nov. 2012, 10:50 CAT

KATELE Kalumba says President Michael Sata has shamed his critics in the way he has shown practical commitment to infrastructure development across the country.

Dr Kalumba, who is former Chienge MMD member of parliament and now village headman Natende Walushiba in the same area, said President Sata had picked up from where Dr Kenneth Kaunda left.

"I'm not a cheerleader for the President, but as a matter of analysis, the man started at point zero in 2001. And progressively he was able to touch on the core nerve of the Zambian people in terms of the basic things they needed to be done. We are moving away from abstract concepts of development to very practical issues where you get water which is needed by the people," Dr Kalumba said in an interview yesterday.

"He is a good reader of the Zambian people's sentiments in terms of meeting their basic needs. And also he is a good reader of the Zambian institutions, their capacity or incapacity. And he was able to articulate this publicly when most of the people were attacking him; 'no he can't be president'. But there he is as President of the Republic of Zambia."

On the Link Zambia 8000 road project which President Sata launched in September, Dr Kalumba described it as a hope for rural Zambia.
He said no one could argue over the question of developing the national infrastructure.

"We have to move goods and services, we have to move people. I think the vision that President Sata has pronounced himself on is a really fundamental filling in of a major gap in our national development," he said.

"First Republican president Kaunda started on the concept well but he fell short of the final objective of linking the whole country. In respect, I'm pleased that President Sata has pronounced himself on linking Zambia in terms of road network linking every district of Zambia. That is a fundamental basis of development."

Dr Kalumba however cautioned government critics against derailing the development process.
He said people should avoid political quarrels and support the road infrastructure development programme.

"But I hope we won't have too many political doomsayers who want to frustrate government. These rural areas really want to see that happening. We have always said we want to develop the northern tourist circuit, but you can't do that without the road network. For example, linking Nchelenge right up to Kaputa, Mporokoso and Nsumbu up to Mbala; that's the Northern Circuit for tourism," said Dr Kalumba.

"Being a visionary, President Sata has been inspirational by saying, 'we can get there, I know it is difficult but we can get there'. He focuses on the practical things, things that make a difference in the day-to-day life of our families: 'Can my child go to school? Can my child be treated when he falls ill? Can we avoid defilement of our children? Can we get from point A to point B?' This is the man I know."

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