
Monday, November 12, 2012

Sata shouldn't be pressured into 2nd term, says Sacika

Sata shouldn't be pressured into 2nd term, says Sacika
By Allan Mulenga
Mon 12 Nov. 2012, 10:40 CAT

DR Sketchley Sacika has urged the Patriotic Front to begin thinking about President Michael Sata's successor to allow for smooth transition of power.

In an interview, Sacika , who is former Secretary to the Cabinet, said the Patriotic Front (PF) should avoid the mistakes of UNIP, which had no strong successor to first president Kenneth Kaunda.

"I supported Mr Sata and the Patriotic Front in 2008 and I again supported them in the general elections last year. But I think the best way for the Patriotic Front for the future is to start thinking about Mr Sata's successor now so that the handover is smooth when the time comes," he said.

"Mr Sata should not make the mistake that Dr Kenneth Kaunda made of thinking that he will be wamuyayaya (life president). One would think now that Mr Sata should go for the second term. Daniel Munkombwe is the person who was one of the principal architects of wamuyayaya mentality in UNIP that got Kenneth Kaunda into problems."

Munkombwe recently said there was nothing wrong with President Sata going for a second term after PF chairperson for elections Sylvia Masebo, who is also tourism and arts minister, indicated that the head of state would contest the 2016 general elections. But Dr Sacika said UNIP had found itself in the current situation because there was no proper handover.

"UNIP is now finished as a political party because there was no proper handover from the old guards to the new guards…," he said.

Dr Sacika further said President Sata should not be pressured into running for a second term of office by political opportunists.

"President Sata should not be pressured in any way into running for a second term of office by political opportunists who cannot survive without him. I admire him for his ability to rise above political pettiness. However, if he has to stand for elections in 2016, let him make a personal decision," he said.

"He President Sata must consciously think about it..."

Dr Sacika said people should appreciate that for everything there is "a beginning and an end".

"As a politician Mr Sata has already achieved everything he needed to achieve. He is currently President of Zambia. In 2016 he will be 80 years…," said Dr Sacika .

"People must appreciate the fact that there is a beginning and an end to everything. At some point, sooner than later, Mr Sata will retire. Who knows if he performs well as President of Zambia, he can pick up a more defined walk to governance."

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