
Sunday, November 25, 2012

(SUNDAY MAIL ZW) 9 MDC-T top brass face expulsion

9 MDC-T top brass face expulsion
Sunday, 25 November 2012 00:00
Itai Mazire

Nine senior MDC-T officials, including party vice-president Ms Thokozani Khupe as well as Parastatals and State Enterprises Minister Mr Gorden Moyo, are facing expulsion from the political outfit for allegedly fanning intra-party violence and bringing the party into disrepute.

It is understood a disciplinary committee — headed by national chairman Mr Lovemore Moyo — has already been set up to deal with the matter. MDC-T national spokesperson Mr Douglas Mwonzora last week confirmed that several high-ranking officials were expected to face the committee soon.

He said those found guilty would be penalised in line with the gravity of their offences.
Although he refused to disclose the names of those lined up for prosecution, party insiders said Ms Khupe and Mr Moyo were among the accused.

The insiders said they could be expelled or suspended as MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai seeks to score political points ahead of the 2013 harmonised elections.

Mr Mwonzora confirmed, though, that the said culprits will be suspended or expelled. Ms Khupe, Mr Gorden Moyo and the disciplinary committee chair could not be reached for comment yesterday.
“MDC-T is a party that does not condone violence. As we speak, there are about nine people from the party’s top leadership who will be brought before the disciplinary committee,” said Mr Mwonzora.

“In short, the disciplinary hearings have commenced and the party national chairman, Mr Lovemore Moyo, will head all the hearings. Investigations have been on-going. One should note that we recently set up the Mahanda commission that focused on rooting out rogue elements within the party ranks.”

He said it was premature for him to disclose the names of the concerned officials.
“As I said earlier, the party will publish the names of the members appearing before the hearings when the hearings have been completed.

“These people are facing charges ranging from inciting violence and showing behaviour that soils the flagship of the party as a whole. In the event that one is found guilty, the party will charge them accordingly and, as a party that has a well-defined constitution, the guilty will either be suspended or expelled from the party.”

Last year, violence erupted at the MDC-T national congress in Bulawayo after rival factions clashed.
Ms Khupe and Mr Moyo were among the leaders fingered in the internal fighting. Mr Moyo was elected chair of the MDC-T Bulawayo provincial executive. However, violence erupted after supporters of his rival, Mzilikazi Senator Matson Hlalo, complained that some of them were barred from voting.

Last month, the MDC-T dispatched a team from its Harvest House headquarters to Matabeleland North after factionalism again reared its ugly head in that province. Provincial organising secretary Mr Thembinkosi Sibindi and deputy provincial secretary Ms Angeline Kheswa were suspended amid reports that they were against Ms Khupe’s alleged moves to contest for Bubi constituency.

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