
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

ZNBC director apologises for poor broadcasting

ZNBC director apologises for poor broadcasting
By Abigail Sitenge
Tue 27 Nov. 2012, 12:00 CAT

ZNBC director general Chibamba Kanyama has apologised for the institution's failure to meet viewer expectations during the Born n Bred Music Video Awards ceremony held at Lusaka's Government Complex on Saturday.

Kanyama, who posted the apology on his Facebook page, stated that a postmortem was being carried out by all departments involved at ZNBC, taking into account its own and viewer submissions.

"We know we cannot reach the CNN standard in the short run given they spent nearly K2 billion to host just one event at the same venue (largely to hire half a dozen OB trucks)," he said.

Kanyama noted that the Born and Bred musical awards were heavily followed by many Zambians and thus the number of comments on Saturday's outcome of the show.

"…A key stakeholder postmortem meeting will take place this weekend at a venue to be announced. Members of the public will, in the meantime, be given a chance to continue to make submissions…this effort is being made in order to make good of a noble event. Positive minds always rise from ashes," stated Kanyama on his Facebook page. "I am, therefore, calling upon enterprising Zambians to take this as a huge opportunity for personal or institutional leverage. Once again, I thank you all for showing interest in ZNBC activities even when we do not meet your expectations in many areas."

Kanyama's apology follows complaints from the public on the poor sound system and other technical hitches experienced during the broadcast of the awards.

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