
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

(DAILY MAIL ZM) Don’t lock anyone out - Wynter

Don’t lock anyone out - Wynter
Written by Online Editor

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) secretary general Wynter Kabimba has called on party cadres to exercise patience and wait for the disciplinary committee to hear cases instead of locking suspected offenders outside their offices.

Mr Kabimba sounded the warning in Chilanga on Saturday when he officiated at a PF fundraising braii at Ndozo Lodge. “I want to urge you colleagues that we should allow the process to take its course,” Mr Kabimba said. “May I also state that a disciplinary committee was constituted to look at all pending issues,” he said.

The Justice Minister added, “I would urge you to exercise patience and do not lock anyone out of their offices,” he said.

He said the ruling party will act to protect itself from anyone who attempts to frustrate its efforts and this must not be mistaken for hounding out foes.

Mr Kabimba said the PF is presently going through a defining moment to protect its ideology which requires it to correct erring members.

He said he has been accused of trying to hound out and victimise some party members but that these are the people who do not want to repent about bad situations they have created for themselves.

“This is not my party and I am equal to every one of you here.

Therefore, I have no reason or objective to hound anyone out of this party.
“People will hound themselves out, not me. They will also be hounded out by members who want to defend the party,” he said.

Mr Kabimba said the PF has to cleanse itself in order to be strong.
“We want people to be members because of what they can do for the party and not what the party can do for them,” he said.

Mr Kabimba said while Government makes up the administrative structures of the country, the ruling party is the political authority of the country.

“The ruling party is important and supreme. It has nothing to do with the one-party state because before Government, there was a party,” he said.

He said President Sata founded the PF for the poor, not the rich.
He asked ministers to serve interests of the poor, adding that if they have missed that point, they will not last.

He cautioned Government leaders not to take anything for granted.

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