
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Govt recruiting mine experts

Govt recruiting mine experts
By Misheck Wangwe in Luanshya
Mon 17 Dec. 2012, 08:40 CAT

MINISTRY of Mines permanent secretary Victor Mutambo says the government has embarked on recruitment of highly-qualified mine experts that will be monitoring mine operations from the point of production to export.

Speaking after touring CNMC Lunshya Copper Mine's Mulyashi Mine on Saturday, Mutambo said the recruitment of mine experts was in line with the implementation programme of the Statutory Instrument number 34 of 2012 that was meant to enhance transparency in the country's mining sector.

He said K10 billion had been provided for in the next year's budget for the exercise and government was also grateful for the US$1.9 million assistance it had received from the World Bank under the mining basket funds for pilot mine audits and many other mining undertakings.

Mutambo said the statutory instrument also compels mining companies to begin submitting reports of their operations, with full details of their entire chain of production starting from tonnages of ore produced, waste and their recovery rates.

"This is important because government wants to ensure transparency in mine operations and this will result in effective contribution of the mines to national development," Mutambo said.

Mutambo warned that there would be serious consequences, penalties and possible prosecution of mining companies that would fail to meet the demands of the government.

He said the ministry of mines would be conducting regular inspections and its presence would be felt even at border points where tucks carrying copper and other minerals from the country would be stopped and express sample analysis of minerals would be conducted.

He said the government was happy that Mulyashi Mine had restored hope in the mining industry in Luanshya and that the investors, CNMC Luanshya Copper Mines, are performing exceptionally well and contributing significantly to economic growth.

And CNMC Luanshya Copper Mines head of public relations and business development Sydney Chileya said the company had welcomed the government's move to enhance its presence in the mining sector from the point of production.

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