
Saturday, December 08, 2012

(HERALD ZW) Peri-urban farmers start replanting

Peri-urban farmers start replanting
Friday, 07 December 2012 00:00
Agriculture Reporter

MOST peri-urban farmers in Harare have started replanting and weeding following the recent rains. Yesterday, they were replanting maize, which had failed to germinate owing to the dry weather conditions while a few were concentrating on land preparations. Mrs Nelly Muhangu of Mbare, Harare, said she had planted her crops mid last month, but they were affected by hot weather.

“I am just hoping the rains will continue for some time so that the seed I am planting will germinate,” she said. Mr Leonard Nyakudenga of Mabvuku said this was the third time he was replanting.

“I now have three different stages of maize in my field as I have continued replanting.

“I have learnt a lesson to stagger planting dates so that when the other crop is affected the other part may do better and I will have something to harvest,” he said.

Mr Nyakudenga said in future he would not apply fertiliser when planting as this had a negative effect if rains are not consistent.

Some farmers complained that they had run out of seed and were now replating using retained seed.

The Meteorological Services Department forecasted normal to below normal rainfall during the first half of the season (October, November and December) 2012/13 season.

Normal to above normal rain associated with floods is expected from January, until March.

The country has been experiencing inconsistent rainfall seasons and persistent droughts, attributed to climate change.

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