
Saturday, December 08, 2012

(HERALD ZW) Zuma to brief Troika on progress in Zimbabwe

Zuma to brief Troika on progress in Zimbabwe
Friday, 07 December 2012 23:07
Herald Reporter

Sadc facilitator president Jacob Zuma of South Africa is expected to brief the Troika meeting that began in Tanzania yes­terday on progress made in Zimbabwe.

He will update the Troika, at its two-day meeting on polit­ical developments in Zimbabwe after which the Sadc chair President Armando Guebuza will brief the full summit.

In a statement posted on his web­site, President Zuma said: “The issues to be considered by the Troika, the Double Troika and the full Summit include the crisis in the eastern part of the DRC.

The Extra-Ordinary Summit is also expected to discuss the situa­tions in Madagascar and Zimbabwe.

“South Africa will be expected to report on the facilitation process in the Republic of Zimbabwe, while the chair of Sadc will report to the Sum­mit on the mediation process in Madagascar.”

South Africa’s International Rela­tions and Co-operation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane accom­panied President Zuma to the sum­mit.

President Zuma has been facilitat­ing dialogue between Zimbabwe’s coalition parties over a roadmap that should lead to harmonised elections scheduled for March next year.

Zanu-PF and the MDC forma­tions are trying to reach a deal over the coun­try’s new constitution, which is one of the benchmarks agreed by parties in the inclusive Government before the next elec­tions.

The parties recently agreed to form a leaner committee that should deal with contested issues in the Copac second all-stakeholders con­ference report.

The committee comprises Justice and Legal Affairs Minister Patrick Chi­namasa (Zanu-PF), Finance Minister Tendai Biti (MDC-T) and Regional Integration and Interna­tional Co-oper­ation Minister Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga (MDC).

Constitutional and Parlia­mentary Affairs Minister Eric Mati­nenga, who also sits in the commit­tee as chairper­son, said they needed a week to unlock the deadlock.

The committee is expected to sub­mit its recommendations to GPA principals who will have the final say on the con­stitution-making process.

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