
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Kabimba is misinformed - Mangani

Kabimba is misinformed - Mangani
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Tue 11 Dec. 2012, 11:58 CAT

LAMECK Mangani says PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba's comments about him are a result of misinformation.

Commenting on Kabimba's statement that the PF has been reluctant to admit Mike Mulongoti or give a position to Lameck Mangani because the party wants to run a civilised country and avoid what was happening in MMD, Mangani, a former home affairs minister in the Rupiah Banda administration, said Kabimba must have been misinformed about his association with Mulongoti.

He said he was a loyal member of the PF.

"I don't know in what context the secretary general mentioned my name together with that of honourable Mulongoti, but I have a feeling that this may be a result of a lot of misinformation regarding my association with honourable Mulongoti. The mere fact that we all came from MMD to join PF almost at the same time, people may think that whatever honourable Mulongoti is doing, I am aware of it. More important is the issue of honourable Mulongoti forming a political party. I have no idea and at no time did I ever sit with him to plan about the formation of a political party," he said.
Mangani said he never had any contact with Mulongoti on the issue of forming a party.
On the issue of violence, Mangani said he always advised cadres to refrain from violence.

"I don't understand why this time around I can encourage people to start beating each other, possibly within the same political party. The incident that they are talking about that there was an interruption of a (Chipata) district meeting, I was not even aware that there was a district meeting taking place," he said.

"Later on I learnt that it was not even a district meeting as such, it was only about seven people that had met to discuss issues relating to the party and there was a controversy where the chairman was being harassed. And it was this chairman who asked for people to come and rescue him. This chairman can testify but they are saying these people were sent by me. Again that is misinformation."
Mangani said Kabimba should have taken time to verify some reports from Chipata before acting on the matter.

"I received information that about six cadres from Kapata market were telling their friends that they were going to frame me. They were saying they would tell the leadership in Lusaka that I have promised to give them K100 million if they attacked or killed some party officials. And I got this information from the party cadres," said Mangani. "Again, this is a fabrication and if the secretary general's comment is based on this misinformation, then it's unfortunate. The most important fact is that if there are details of that nature, he (Kabimba) should be able to call me to verify the details of the stories that he is receiving. I did make a contact when the story of Chipata came up that there was a district meeting and was disrupted, I contacted him but he told me he was very busy and would get back to me later but up to now he has not called me."

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