
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Kabwata PF cadres denounce Lubinda

Kabwata PF cadres denounce Lubinda
By Roy Habaalu
Tue 18 Dec. 2012, 14:00 CAT

RULING PF cadres in Lusaka's Kabwata Constituency yesterday protested and denounced their area member of parliament Given Lubinda for his alleged treachery.

And Kabwata Constituency chairman David Silubanje said Lubinda, who is foreign affairs minister, is not repentant. The cadres carried placards denouncing Lubinda and said they wanted him expelled from the party.

Some of the placards read: "Zayelo must go" "Expel him for disloyalty no matter what," "Zayelo Mwadya Mweka Daddy," "We don't want you Given Lubinda as Kabwata MP."

The cadres protested at the party secretariat along Luanshya Road where they presented their petition to PF Lusaka district chairman Goodson Banda before passing through town centre and heading to the party offices in Kabwata.
In an interview, Silubanje said Lubinda could never change because his admiration for UPND and its leadership was deep-rooted.

"His dismissal from the party is long overdue. People had been advising him to change but he was resistant so before he sinks the party, the honourable thing for him to do is resign both as minister and member of parliament because people have lost confidence in him," said Silubanje.

"He's not the kind of person you can risk giving a second chance because by the time you realise it, the damage would be unbearable. Even if you were to pardon him, it won't be easy because the people that elected him to be their representative have lost confidence in him. People don't want to work with him," he said.

And Kabwata Constituency officials yesterday withdrew their support for Lubinda for what they termed reasons requiring further investigations.
In their petition presented to Banda, Silubanje stated that Lubinda had not been to his constituency to participate in party activities after being elected in 2011.

"We have decided to recall and withdraw our support from Hon Given Lubinda to be our MP for the following reasons; his continued dark corner friendship with UPND, MMD other individuals and groupings that threaten the confidentiality of our privilege as PF officials. His withdrawal of financial support to the operations and management of the constituency.

His decision to include relatives and friends who are not PF officials to go for training abroad at the expense of our members who fought for PF victory. We ask for divorce to be granted," read the petition.

Silubanje also accused Lubinda of not having a formal relationship with structures and organs of the party.
Silubanje, who presented the petition, said Lubinda had refused to attend constituency meetings at the Kabwata office "calling it a bar not suitable for a high profile individual like him."

Recently, PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba gave Lubinda a one-week ultimatum to exculpate himself following allegations of his collaboration with opposition MMD and UPND to discredit PF's decisions and policies.

But Lubinda said such allegations are not new and would respond accordingly. Lubinda said he had already exculpated himself.

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